chapter thirteen; not unusual

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"OKAY SO YOU JUST PUT YOUR HANDS ON THE BACK OF THE CHAIR AND THEN TURN" i told brittany, she didn't quite understand as she turned the opposite direction

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"OKAY SO YOU JUST PUT YOUR HANDS ON THE BACK OF THE CHAIR AND THEN TURN" i told brittany, she didn't quite understand as she turned the opposite direction.
"no babe no" i was going to turn her around when we were interrupted by jacob ben israel, looking for information.

"shalom blogosphere! jacob ben-isreal here at mckinley high. sudden death - big stakes senior year. who will succeed and who will fail?" he spoke to his camera dramatically before turning to brit, tana and i.
"what are the hottest cheerios at mckinley plans?" he smirked and i rolled my eyes.

"well kurt and i are going to audition for juilliard, maybe get a little apartment together on the upper east side just like in gossip girl" i exclaimed as he turned the mic to santana.

"senior year is all about being the cheerios' top ho and modeling my fierceness after my numero uno latina, paula abdul." she looked down at her nails.

"paula abdul is an arab. hey, has anyone seen quinn fabray?" he asked pointing the mic to brittany who shrugged.

"quinn looked at herself in the mirror and blew into flames" she said nonchalantly and we all looked at her confused.
"wait that might have been a dream"

"out" mr shue ordered jacob as he walked into the choir room, as jacob scuttled away with his camera i turned back to brittany and continued to help her get rid of knots in her back.

"okay so im going to turn you this way and then your going to do it without me with pressure" i said and she nodded, turning and releasing the loudest crack i'd ever heard.

"totally awesome" she smiled and i turned to santana trying not to laugh.

"mr. schue, why are all of our trophies in the middle of the room?" tina asked as she took a seat behind me, mike at her side.

"i was sure that our nationals trophy would grow during the summer." brittany tilted her head.

"i want this image burned into your mind. this is what the difference between first and twelfth place looks like. it's also what it feels like." mr schue picked up two of the trophies before putting them back down.

"are you planning on bumming us out all year long?" puck rolled his eyes and mr schue shook his head.

"no. i'm planning on pushing you harder than you've ever been pushed. we made it to nationals last year. this year i'm not gonna let anything or anyone stop us from winning at all. i let you down last year. i lost focus, let some broadway pipe dream get in the way." he sat down on the piano stool.

"and we're really sorry that the guy who replaced you in april rhodes' musical won the tony. i mean, i can only imagine your regret." rachel smiled innocently, did she think she was helping?

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