chapter seven; alcohol kills

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"BLAINE WHY IS THERE A GIRL IN YOUR BED?" someone ran into the room throwing pillows at the both of us as we scrambled away from each other

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"BLAINE WHY IS THERE A GIRL IN YOUR BED?" someone ran into the room throwing pillows at the both of us as we scrambled away from each other.

"i'm a lesbian, im in love with quinn fabray" i got up pulling blaine's t-shirt down. i turn to him with a shrug and he gave me a sneaky thumbs up.

"cooper what are you doing here?" blaine sighed and i widen my eyes, that's blaine's brother.

"i was just leaving actually, got a commercial in la" he did an attempt at jazz hands and it all clicked.

"holy shit, your cooper anderson, the car commercial guy, my step brother loves those, the jingle is his ring tone"

"yes yes i am" he bowed before getting back up.
"and i know your not a lesbian, i heard you two making out yesterday. blaine, moms home so your little girlfriend going to have to leave through the window"

i groaned before nodding and grabbing the hooker outfit i wore yesterday, that was on his floor.
luckily i was wearing cycling shorts under it so i slid them on under blaines top so i didn't have to leave wearing nothing on the bottom half.

"chloe" blaine shouted and i turned around.
"grab a hoodie before you leave, it's freezing outside" he threw me a black hoodie and i thanked him before strategically crawling out of the window and calling kurt.

"is anyone actually going to that?" santana asked the next day, apparently my good friend rachel berry was throwing a party as her dads' were out of town.

"i will only be going if there's alcohol" i shrug and santana nodded.

"also, you and blaine left early last night?" she shimmied into me and i pushed her away.

"nothing happened" i clarified.
"he said he's not ready to have labels on what we are, and i mean fairs to him i'm willing to wait until he's ready for anything"

"ugh you are so sickeningly sweet it is killing me" she shuddered and i smiled.
"also your coming round later and im picking your outfit for the party, invite blaine and you are gonna look so hot he will change his mind about the no labels." she winked before walking away.

"yeah okay" i whispered to myself pulling out my phone, telling blaine and kurt to come to rachel's party.

"this" santana threw me a red baggy vest, with red laced straps, and a denim mini skirt.
"trust me, this and your figure he will not be able to resist you"

"okay okay" i took my shirt off and put the vest on, pulling my shorts off and putting the skirt on.

"damn" she uttered before throwing her outfit on.
"we are the hottest bitches in the entire school, how are we single" she sighed and i made a confused face.

"technically i'm not single" i clarify but santana shakes her head.

"i completely forgot to mention it earlier but the troll was talking about blaine while you were with kurt and she practically sprayed the choir room" santana spat and i scoffed.

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