chapter sixteen; i kissed a girl

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"FINN YOU FUCKING DID WHAT" i threw my bag into his arms

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"FINN YOU FUCKING DID WHAT" i threw my bag into his arms.

i would've thought that i would've sided with santana but after finding out the true reason santana slapped finn across the face, i wasn't so sure.

"you can't blame me, i didn't mean for everyone to hear" he tried to defend himself, putting my duffel on the floor.

"please fucking fix this" i sighed before slumping on the sofa.

"i'm working on it" finn said walking closer and sitting next to me.
"how was meeting blaine's parents?"

"terrible, i feel bad for blaine" i told him, fiddling with the hair tie wrapped around my wrist.
"they were being homophobic to kurt"

"oh my god, what did you do"

"nothing, what could i do though, i didn't say anything because i didn't want to overstep but i wish i did, i wish i got up and smashed a couple of glasses" i chuckled.

"what did blaine do?"

"he shouted, a lot, but i'm pretty sure i blacked out because i can't remember a thing" i joked, trying to make light of the situation.

"at least he defended you then" finn nodded.
"he's a good one"

"i know he is." i agreed with a small smile on my face.

"can someone tell us what's going on, please?" santana asked as we all, upon finns request, made our way to the choir room.

"this week, the trouble tones and new directions will both be singing music created - by ladies and for ladies." finn wrote 'lady music' down on the whiteboard and turned to the chairs with a smile on his face.

"how was going home yesterday?" i whispered to blaine, pulling my chair closer to him.

"mom apologised, dad wasn't there" he whispered back with no expression.

"oh, are you okay?" i asked and he nodded with a smile that i could tell was fake.

"everybody in this room knows about you and brittany. and we don't judge you for it. we celebrate it because it's who you are. look, i know not everybody outside of this room is as accepting and cool, but we're doing this assignment this week so that you know in this rotten, stinking mean world that you at least have a group of people who will support your choice to be whoever you want to be. that's it. that's what we're doing here." finn continued.

"blaine, kurt?" he asked as the two boys rose from their seats.

"um hey santana, blaine and i were at dalton together for about a couple of months and this is a song that we always used to duet together"

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