chapter twenty eight; born to hand jive

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"I'M OUT OF MY HEAD HOPELESSLY DEVOTED TO YOU" i watched blaine sing from the wings of the auditorium

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"I'M OUT OF MY HEAD HOPELESSLY DEVOTED TO YOU" i watched blaine sing from the wings of the auditorium.

it was grease auditions and i was ready to go for a lead this year. i had just missed rocky horror and west side story i had also missed but i wasn't about to miss out on performing in my favourite musical of all time, plus one of my dream roles.

i had decided to audition for sandy, despite the fact that blaine and i had talked about playing the roles together.

watching the boy sing for the first time since teenage dream hurt more then i thought it would, doing everything hurt more then i thought it would. i couldn't remember my life without blaine but now i have too.

"i'm sorry, i just can't, finn. i didn't want to let you down, but grease is a romance, and how can i play any of the scenes if i have ruined mine? thank you for letting me audition, but i just can't." blaine rambled once the song was finished beginning to walk onto the stage.

i took one look at the boy who was in tears before deciding to take this situation into my own hands.

"blaine stop" i walked towards him, grabbing his shoulders and holding him in place.
"you know what we talked about, it was one of our shared dreams to play danny and sandy right, why are we throwing that opportunity away?"

"no i can't, i hurt you and you should hate me for that." he whispered, still not looking at me.

"blaine i don't hate you" thinking about the situation, it wasn't a lie, maybe it wasn't completely true but i couldn't live my life without him and we've both made mistakes right?

"why? all i've done is hurt you" he mumbled as i pushed his chin up so he was looking at me.

"maybe that's right, but can't we just put the fighting aside, just while we're on stage, that way we can resent each other when the curtains close." i said and he nodded his eyes still welling up with tears.
"i'm so sorry."

"sorry doesn't change what you did blaine, but i know you are." i told him and he bowed his head shamefully before turning back to artie and finn.

"i'm sorry but i just can't." he sighed before making his way off the stage and i straightened my cheerios uniform before taking the microphone off the stand.

"hello, my name is chloe hudson and i'll be auditioning for the role of sandra dee" i kept my cool and tried to be professional about the situation that just kept on getting more embarrassing as the days passed.

"wait you're auditioning for sandy aswell"? marley asked, her face suddenly turning paler.

"i mean i already have." i laughed a little before shutting my locker.

"oh well that basically means i have no chance." the smaller girl banged her head into the row of lockers next to me and i patted her shoulder.

"oh don't say that, you're super talented, but i am thinking of asking finn to consider me for rizzo instead, you know because i wouldn't want to play aside a random sophomore." i made light of the situation, making a mental note to tell finn to swap my part around.

"oh my god i feel sick" finn leaned onto the piano and put his hands over his head.

"just put my name down for rizzo, marley for sandy, and jake for danny, he's hot as fuck so the audience will swoon and so will i" i shrugged, putting my hand on my brothers shoulder to try and cheer him up.

"jake doesn't have any interest in the school musical, he's to popular for that shit" he shouted and i widened my eyes at hearing him swear for the first time in his life.

"calm down finn, but also just remember that you were once like that you know" i pointed my arms in his direction before leaving the room, walking into sam who was standing in the doorway.

"oh uh hey chloe, i wasn't eavesdropping" he put his hand up to scratch his neck awkwardly.

"right" i replied beginning to walk away before stopping in my tracks.
"you're auditioning for kenickie aren't you?"

"yeah i am, it's a funny story i've actually got knocked out by a car door before so i could make the performance really realistic" he replied with a smile.

"well i'm auditioning for rizzo so i might be playing your side chick" i said talking in an australian accent that blaine found distracting but i found it quite funny.

"i'll have to wear a lot of chapstick." he replied in another accent and i tilted my head. "that was supposed to be uh blaine."

i smiled a small smile before leaving the boy behind me.

finn had posted the cast list due to the crowd around the bulletin board.

i pushed past the people as i looked to the piece of paper, but my name wasn't the one i searched for first.

blaine was playing the teen angel.
beauty school dropout.

i looked at the list again and the smile grew on my face when i saw that i was casted as rizzo and marley was sandy, i pulled her into a side hug as she was next to me and gave finn a thumbs up from the sidelines. 

this chapter is so short im so sorry.

i really don't like this i can't make them hate each other so it's pretty shit but here you goooo!!

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