the quaterback.

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the day started normally, i went to school like normal, i sung backup in glee club like normal, i drank about two gatorades like normal, everything was normal

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the day started normally, i went to school like normal, i sung backup in glee club like normal, i drank about two gatorades like normal, everything was normal. until it wasn't.

"i don't think that that's right." over the phone blaine was questioning my memory as i was talking about what has happened earlier.

"don't be a hater." i sighed softly playing with the gum wrappers that were piling up on my bedside table.

"whatever." although i couldn't see him i could hear his smile.

"i'm tired." i turned to the clock that was next to me.


"go to sleep chloe, i don't want you being stroppy tomorrow." that was when the first knock occurred.

"well your girlfriend sounds great doesn't she." i scoffed hearing the door swing open followed by a mumbling voice.

"you know what i mean." he countered my overdramatic reaction.

an earsplitting scream filled the silence, causing me to hang up the phone and not think twice before running downstairs to see what happened.

that's when i saw mom on the floor in hysterics with dad trying to hush her sobs.

"chloe go back upstairs." dad waved me away but i wasn't budging.

"not until you tell me what's going on." there was clearly something that had happened, why didn't they want me to know.

after a moment of staring into each others eyes, a warning look was shared and it was now that i knew i had to leave.

"i'll come talk to you when your moms ready." he nodded thankfully and that made me feel sick.

"are you sure you're ready for this?" kurt was driving the car on the way to school.

"yeah." i breathed out, staring out of the window and getting lost in my own thoughts.

"earth to chloe." he snapped his fingers beside my ear and i turned back to him.
"it's going to be okay." he reassured and i nodded my head.

"yeah." i repeated attempting to pick at the skin next to my nails, realising there was nothing left.

"it's okay not to be okay though, i haven't seen you cry since the funeral." he put a hand on my knee that i shook off, unbothered.

"what's the point." i shrugged, opening the car door and walking across the parking lot ignoring the hidden stares from everyone who passed.

"chloe." someone called out and i knew the voice was blaine but i didn't want to look back. he was the one that was on the other side of the phone when the door was knocked on, he heard my moms screams, i didn't want to talk to him so i just picked up the pace and walked into the school.

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