Chapter Twenty-two: what the fuck is going on!?

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I would like to say that I am using a translation website for this and that none of these sentences are going to make sense, I am going to have the english under it in brackets. Again, translation will be bad. But we shall see if you can guess which country each of the A unit members originate from. They are all from different countries.

Fukuchi added five people

Lunna: Puis-je vous demander pourquoi je suis obligé de participer à ce groupe de discussion avec vous et mon unité de fukuchi ?
(May I ask why I am obliged to be in this group chat with you and my unit, Fukuchi?)

Fukuchi: Lunna, what are you saying?

Lunna: Si tu n'es pas capable de lire cela, tu devrais retourner à l'école, espèce de vieille salope desséchée.
(If you are unable to read this then you should go back to school, you old looking, dried up bitch.)

Jouno: Is there something wrong with Kitsune?

Victoria: キツネの非の打ちどころのない性格は、母国語で優雅に話すからだ。
(Kitsune's impeccable nature remains untarnished, for she gracefully articulates in her mother tongue.)

Jouno: Is that why you're speaking in Japanese, Tigress?

Victoria: その通りだ。
(Indeed, it is so.)

Teruko: Is this some sort of game or something?

Devana: Wir wollen uns nur in unseren jeweiligen Muttersprachen unterhalten, das ist keine komplizierte Angelegenheit.
(We just want to converse in our respective native languages; it is not a complicated matter.)

Teruko: what the fuck–

Mena: Стули пельку, суко!
(Shut up you bitch)

Milla: Zakaz przeklinania
(No swearing)

Fukuchi: what is happening here?

Milla: Nic, tylko rozmawiamy, możemy już iść?
(Nothing, we're just talking, can we leave now?)

Tecchou: ...

Tecchou is offline
Devana is offline

Mila: Czy on nie umie czytać?
(Can he not read?)

Jouno: I think I shall join Tecchou offline, I can't understand a thing.

Victoria: 適切な保護措置の活用を確保することが最も重要なのです。
(It is of utmost importance to ensure the utilisation of appropriate safeguards, my dear.)

Jouno: Victoria!

Jouno is offline

Tachihara: Why hasn't Mena been speaking a lot?
Tachihara: I can see she's typing but still..

Mena: Хоча ти не можеш мене зрозуміти, я скористаюся цим моментом, щоб сказати тобі, як сильно я тебе люблю і потребую, і як я хочу бути загорнута в твої обійми кожен день, Тачіхаро. Я кохаю тебе всім серцем, але я знаю, що ти ніколи не зможеш покохати мене, бо твоє серце належить тим двом дівчатам з мафії, і я просто хотів зняти цей тягар з серця, перш ніж не зможу більше. Я хочу, щоб мене щодня обіймали твої руки, але я знаю, що це неможливо, тому я відмовлюся від цієї мрії і тихо піду, щоб більше не турбувати і не дратувати тебе. Я кохаю тебе. Мічізо Тачіхара.
(While you are unable to understand me I will take this moment to tell you how much I love you and need you and how I want to be wrapped up in your arms everyday Tachihara. I love you with all my heart but I know you could never love me since your heart belongs to those two girls at the mafia, I just wanted to get it off my chest before I no longer could. I want to be wrapped up in your arms everyday but I know that is impossible so I shall give up on this dream of mine and leave silently so as to not bother you or annoy you anymore. I love you Michizō Tachihara.)

Tachihara: Oh shit, that's a big paragraph..

Milla: Mena... nie
(Mena... no)

Lunna: Mena, il faut te trouver un meilleur petit ami que ce stupide chien de chasse. Je te promets qu'on t'en trouvera un
(Mena, we need to find you a better boyfriend than this stupid hunting dog. I promise we shall find you one)

Milla: Zrobimy to, nie martw się
(We will, don't worry)

Tachihara: I am so confused right now

Teruko: so am I

Fukuchi: I'm just going to go..

Fukuchi is offline
Teruko is offline
Tachihara is offline

Victoria: しかし、私は今、芥川を打ち負かすという厳粛な仕事に取り掛からなければならない。
(That was truly an exhilarating experience, nonetheless, I must now embark on the solemn task of vanquishing Akutagawa.)

Victoria is offline
Millia is offline
Mena is offline
Lunna is offline

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