Fashion designers x lingerie designers

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You're a Lingerie designer known for your use of lace and cotton full body and such and for your customers notably this one guy who wanted one black with a heart pattern and wore it proudly under his white suit with plenty of random zippers as you were finishing another work you got a customer greeting them it was Chocolate Bonbon another designer you worked with before who wanted to collaborate with on a new look which got the attention of the others

(Chocolate Bonbon)

-She knows you well after your collaboration or you knew her before

-She will work with you again on another collaboration

-She has purchased one from you

-She has visited your store plenty of times

-She leaves her pet to kill so she can focus on you and the collaboration


-She heard about you from Chocolate Bonbon and well she met you

-She has visited your store once and was kinda surprised by it

-She wouldn't purchase one of your lingerie

-If she did do a colab with you she'll make it fashionable

-Has gotten rid of the bodies by feeding them to jellysaurs

(Currant cream)

-She only knew you because of your fishnet stockings

-Probably isn't going to make a colab with you

-If she did she might make a punk one

(Pastel margarine)

-He doesn't view you as a designer

-He does have respect of your use of lace

-If he did have to work with you he'll make it cute

(Bonbon Birdy)
A sharp beaked bird that helps Chocolate Bonbon with work

-They use their sharp beak to kill no jam on her blood

-They help on your collaboration

A pet dino able to hold things but it has commonly dropped things

-The pet works with you on the collab

-They aid in stalking flying with a camera in its mouth

(Black Pinnypine)
A pet with no spikes but when it noticed Current cream pins it took the chance

-It aids in killing

A award winning pet cute but with a dangerous side to anything punk

-Pastel has brought them to you

(Thank you to Splatthen for the request)

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