Golden cheese x Hacker reader

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Your a hacker notably a reliable one as your tasked with stopping bugs and working with the cheese birds with your knowledge of hacking as one day your called in by Golden cheese about the recent bugs as you entered she greeted you as a cup of juice is poured and given to you as you began to talk to her she looked at you in the face a slight blush on her face

-You commonly work with Mozzarella but you are tasked to inform her

-You are her most trusted advisor in some way from a recommendation from Mozzarella from her finding you hacking

-She does get annoyed sometimes when you hack as it can harm others nor does she like it when you add things so you have restrictions placed on you mainly you have to inform her each week

-Your possibly based from another cookie she knew before they died or your a normal cookie that just joined the city

-You have a nice place given by Golden cheese as a thanks for helping the city

-When Smoked cheese begins his betrayal your his first target he's going to use you as a weapon or you need to be removed

(Thank you to huyduc8877 for the request)

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