Triple cone cup x spidersona

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You're a cookie with the unique ability to swing around on candy floss webs and a student in one of the schools the day of the triple cone cup you were in your suit watching the three school champions go at it you noticed a foe of your throw a cherry bomb into the crowd quickly you grabbed the bomb with your webs the three champions stopped and noticed soon quickly everyone began to evacuate as the three stayed behind to attempt to stop the threat however found you sitting on top of the defeated foe one asked who you are you said this your


-They would have already be in love with you

-Each one would be curious who you are but would eventually find out

-How they would find out would possibly be through different ways either by trying to find out or by accident

-They would be impressed and would ask how you got your powers

(Prune juice)

-He would be curious about who this masked cookie he would attempt to find out

-He would use his potions to get the truth

-He would be suspicious if you are missing at times or skipping class or how you have strange injuries and your voice

-He would stalk you in secret where he would some evidence

-When he finds out he'll confront you in secret and ask questions about you

-He would be confused on the way how you got your powers


-Liked Prune juice he would be curious and amazed by this hero

-His doesn't use his fan to stalk you but some might and they might find out your a hero

-He would be protective of you mainly thanks to that spider hero protecting other

-He would try and help this hero and if needed he will protect you

-He might get suspicious with you from how you tend to disappear

-When he finds out he'll be impressed by you a secret hero of his school

-He would ask questions about how you got powers and would be amazed or concerned on how you got your powers


-She was impressed by this mysterious hero

-Before she knew she was protective of you but knows you could defend yourself

-She wouldn't stalk you

-She would get suspicious of you disappearing so easily while wearing armor and would take notice that the hero has a rule set similar to the crème knights

-When she finds out you're the hero she would be amazed but would worry about your safety

(They don't have pets)
(Thank you to woomyphw for the request)

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