white Lily x servant reader

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You're a faire servant one night you were carrying some tea for a cookie an ancient cookie you entered the library finding White lily tired and exhausted you placed the cup down and went to get a blanket you heard her speak saying "no please" "You have to escape" you then began to console the cookie in her sleep who was tearing up

-She doesn't have an attraction to you it's mainly platonic

-She is clingy with you scared of losing you someone she can vent to and talk to about her troubles

-She is greatful that you help her find books in the library and being supportive

-She is scared by what she saw in the witches home and it might not leave her alone so easily

-If she found you hurt she'll want to save and help you to safety

-She would tell you about Pure vanilla mainly and the other ancients incliiding the dark flour war or her time in academy

-Later when she saw you made into a clown by Shadow milk she would want to stop him more possibly showing some anger towards Shadow milk

(Thank you to huyduc8877 for the request)

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