Chess choco

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You stumbled upon the Grandmaster Hotel late at night you entered and got a room looking around you stumbled upon two kids one dressed in white another dressed in black playing chess one of them noticed you and White pawn spoke up excitedly while black pawn spoke monotone asking you to play with them deciding to play you quickly got metaphorically beaten to crumbs by the two chess prodigies but it was all fun as you thanked the kids for the game you shook their hands you left to your room the next day you were leave by were blocked by two large chess pieces and the two kids looking at you with a dark cookie behind them a devilish grin and sinister intension


-Your kept as a permanent resident in the hotel and unable to escape

-Your kinda forced into the cookies of darkness by Chess Choco and Dark Enchantress has used you a tool of encouragement

-Your forced to help in Dark Enchantress plans and attend the cookie of darkness meetings

-Your the twins playmate then caretaker after some

-Both twins will attempt to manipulate you

(White pawn)

-They're very energetic and  cocky but childish

-They have asked you to play a lot mainly chess or their new game

-They will call you their parent with confidence after sometime

-When They don't get their way they throw a temper tantrum

-They would attempt to manipulate through platonic love bombing but this not as effective

-When Dark Enchantress takes you away as punishment for white pawn they'll have a tantrum and pout

(Black Pawn)

-They're more monotone and demure but clingy

-Liked white pawn they will ask you to join them in playing chess or the new game

-They would call you their parent after sometime in their monotone voice

-When they don't get their way they'll give you the silent treatment

-They would manipulate you with fear it's effective

-When Dark Enchantress takes you away they'll pout a bit but will get it done just to have you again

(Nougat knight)
A pet that found the twins and swore loyalty to them after seeing something on them

-They act as a guard near you under the orders of the twins they don't know why the twins care for you

-Will switch colors to the twin currently manipulating you

(Thank you to Rancel73 for the request please enjoy your permanent stay)

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