Pastel margarine x thief reader

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You're a thief known for your cute pastel look one night pastel margarine was leaving his shop as he walked away you broke in through picking a lock as day turned to night when he returned he saw some of the he shop goods stolen as he looked at the security camera he planted

-He has an infatuation with you mainly because how your known to be a cute thief

-He unknowingly made your costume so he would recognize you if there was a picture of you

-If you made your own outfit he wouldn't recognize it

-When your not the thief you would possibly be working with him or be a customer he would be friends with

-He would invite you to his home he shares his roommate with to his annoyance

-Your would be in the second floor of the home away from Currant cream

-He has collected your news articles about your thefts of gems and wealth

-If he found out your a thief and well he would go into denial about it

-He would come to your court house appearance to testify your innocence while still in denial

A cute pup award winning one too

-They pet doesn't trust as they growled at you

(Thank you scorpioncookie for the request)

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