Melon Bun

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Melon bun was mining away working her hardened dough at the rocks and cheese for jewels and gems to get money to purchase something she saw in a shop a beautiful ring she could give to you at the right time as she got to a large cluster of gems she smiles she closer to her comfortable life with you even if it's going to take a more work just the thought of you two together will keep her going

-She still wants a comfortable life just with you too now

-She tends to work herself hard to find jewels and gems still finding large clusters of gems

-She does think of you when she's mining it encourages her to work harder

-She could possibly get gifts for you or would give some gems and jewels she's gotten from the cheese mines

-She can't really stalk you due to her working in the cheese mines but when she does have the chance she'll take it

-If she had a rival she might kill them with her pickaxe if they become a hassle

-When she has a bad day she'll come to you and would talk about it and with a bowl of hot jelly stew makes the day feel better

-She doesn't trust Goblin cookie

(Prospector Moley)
Prospector Moley never forgets an vital rule remember never forget your safety equipment and an unspoken rule always stick your tongue out for good luck

-The pet helps Melon bun find gems and such

-This pet is unaware of Melon buns love for you

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