Schneeball Cookie

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You're a T.B.D worker in the relic management position responsible for transcribing and translating relics and making ciphers one day you were grabbing a relic to translate when you bumped into your coworker Schneeball who had a relic to break open exchanging words you walked away she yelled out if she found any text she'll call you later in her station she took out her hammer and smashed the relic to rough pieces cursing her manager and a coworker that flirted with you

-How she fell for you was from you working with you even though you both

-When she needs you she'll get you to translate something even if you made a ciphers for it

-She has a poker face with her glasses she does attempt to hide her blush or to hide her gaze towards you

-When she is arguing with maple you and backs her up on a topic she will be grateful

-When she is arguing with maple and you back him up she'll be hurt slightly but will go along

-If she finds a relic that is impressive or has the ability to make someone love she'll show or use it on you

-Has gifted you a relic as a gift she put back together

-She could kill using her hammers to kill

-She does using smashing and opening relics as a form of relief when she is jealous and for her own interests still

(Ammonite Roll)
A Ammonite Roll that after being a fossil in it shell woke and found itself on a shelf in the T.B.D and stuck with Schneeball to wake it up if their ever a fossil again

-It doesn't do much as well it's curious it has been a fossil for millions of years

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