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It was a nice afternoon as Silverbell was watching keeping guard as he watched he noticed a cookie struggling through the forest heavily beat up and nearly crumbled choosing quickly he fired his bow scaring off the yeast spores and came to you holding you when you fainted he took you to the farrie kingdom to help your wounds

-He would care for your injuries till your fully healed and he would use his healing magic

-He would question if he should bring you to the kingdom as it's kept secret

-He would keep you in a secretive place in the forest where he can keep you safe

-He would bring you food to help you

-He would dark gain a attachment to you soon enough

-When you can walk normally he'll break your legs

-When Shadow milk is awoken he'll worry for your safety

(THANK YOU TO huyduc8877 for the request)

Cookie Run yandere headcanons (The sequel is Real)Where stories live. Discover now