Pitaya dragon x Dragon Hunter

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You heard trouble was happening in dragon valley as you went there you were attacked by some wyverns fighting them off you get the eye of a dragon Pitaya dragon cookie as you then got bitten by the wyvern this caused something to happen to the dragon to react and act quickly slaying the wyvern and taking you to the stock tribe

-Its unknown to him why hey fell for you and is curious

-They'll help nurse you to health and help from the stock tribe

-They'll be protective of you even in his injured state having you stay near them at all times

-When Snake fruit comes they'll get protective due to how Snake fruit last attempt

-When Mala sauce comes thanks to Snake fruit they'll be careful and this would follow the basic beat in the story where Pitaya dragon becomes a true dragon

-When they are captured by Logan dragon cookie and the cookies come to save them he'll tell them to run away if your their he'll be more serious

(Dragon tail)
The tip of Pitaya dragons tail that was cut off by Knight cookie now alive

-Pitaya forgets his tails tip was cut off and that it came to life

-It's with knight cookie

(Dragon fruitling)
A pet that saved this dragon from falling into hot lava

-Pitaya dragon would have the pet protect you and stay near you

-The pet would attempt to stop you from helping and would stay with you inside of Ananas throne room

(Wyrmfire Blade)
A weapon for a king able to turn cold lands ablaze with a fired spirit when this blade met the legendary red dragon it's spirit burns again long live the kings blade

-It's also ordered to be a guard near you

(Thank you to huyduc8877 for the request)

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