Black garlic

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(You know I have to do my favorite garlic YouTuber)
Black garlic started her stream one night wanting find ghosts in a old hotel as she explored she couldn't find anything as she said bye to her watchers there was one you who gave encouragement encouraging her making her smile as she found the focus on continuing the stream till finally she left the hotel with a small smile.

-How she fell for you was because you give her support

-She has stalked you following you with her camera in hand taking pictures of you but her garlic smell tends to alert you

-She has folders on her computer that relate to you from pictures of you to a video feed of you inside your home

-She would have streams and when you're watching her she'll have a pep in her step

-Leave the stream and she would end the stream early

-She wouldn't kill due to her belief in spirits as the ghosts would come to haunt her

-She might try and dox any rivals

-She would invite you to her stream if you come over to her stream she'll be excited and would attempt to hold your hand if not she'll be saddened and possibly end the stream early

-Has talked to White ghost about you and how she should confess

(Wishy stuffington)
A haunted doll Black garlic found in a shop it's said the plush can grant wishes

-The pet has made appearances in your home

-I suggest being careful as the ghost in the plush might act a bit dangerous

-Has appeared in your home plenty of times that's how Black garlic found your home

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