Stormbringer cookie

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You were in a heavy snowstorm you took cover under a cliff as you noticed a hoard of cake monsters fearful you began to pray to the sky then the sky crackles lighting flickering then a bolt striking the cake hoard as you saw the god of the heavens standing over the cake monsters she then looked at you

-She how she feel in love you was possibly from watching you from the clouds she was actually shocked that she fell for a cookie

-She would stalk you from the clouds keeping an eye on you

-She is protective of you in her own way using thunder and lightening to threaten her rivals away threatening to shock them

-When the cake tower came she mainly destroyed it because of your prayers mostly and because she disliked it

-She wouldn't kill as she would be loud and would possibly be found out easily

-They other three deities do or don't know about her attraction to you

-She does know you'll eventually crumble and die by age but it kinda haunts her knowing that

(Thank you to huyduc8877 for the request)

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