Vampire + Alchemist

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You were helping a friend of yours Alchemist carry some potions ingredients to her home whereas you entered you see Vampire hang from the ceiling his cape wrapped around his body as he woke he followed in a bad like form into Alchemist laboratory viles and chemicals spread out in the area as she placed the items away Vampire began to flirt with you quickly she pushed you out of the home as she stared daggers at her brother


-Both wouldn't kill each other


-She commonly argues with her brother to keep him away from you

-She asks you to help her in her alchemy mainly to keep yoi away from her brother

-Would teach you alchemy if you don't know much about it

-She would probably make a love potion but can't it has the risk of her brother using it

-Would drug her brothers juice to make him sleep

-She does still care for her brother but can get annoyed

-She would be kinda of a shy flirt with you

-She would use her potions to kill


-He's mostly drunk

-He would drunkenly flirt with you openly

-He would attempt to get you drunk which is blocked by his sister

-He has talked to Herb sparling and Mint Choco about dating tips

-He has attempted to use his sisters potions to have you live him

-Has stalked you in his bat form

-He is too drunk or lazy to kill


(Energy scale)
The pet is able to prolong life with just a couple of coins great

-They pet would prolong your life if you drop a couple of coins

(Oak Barrel)
A pet full of juice from over sweet grapes left in the dark in the witches kitchen

-Vampire Would use his pet to give wine to get you drunk

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