Blue slushy

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You were exploring the dessert paradise on when you dodged a arrow nearly hitting you as you say a young cookie flew at you apologizing profucly as she got her arrows she asked if you can help her with aiming as you helped her set up a target as you helped she missed but spoke with enthusiasm about how she going to be a dessert paradise guardian for the sugar swan

-She still wants to be the dessert paradise for sugar swan

-She is always speaking about how she is gonna be a dessert guardian

-She still doesn't like to practice with her bow

-Your her parental guardian and well you have imprinted onto her

-She follows you like a baby duck or chick following it's mother at times which kinda makes sense

-She has called you her parent with confidence

-When she is doing her trials you would have to encourage her

-She would be slightly protective of you as in wanting to keep you safe and would say this is way for practice when she's a guardian

(Icy Birdie)
A icy bird known for singing out sweet tunes in as they added to Blue slushies

-They've sung to you

(Thank you to huyduc8877 for the request)

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