Caramel arrow

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Caramel arrow was wandering through the forest and she noticed a figure laying in the snow. She began to dig and pull you another banished cookie out of the snow and brought you to her watch tower and got a fire started she placed a blanket to warm you after some time you woke with Caramel arrow sitting nearby near the fire as she gave you a warm bowl of soup you both began to talk

-Your possibly knew her before she got banished

-Before your or her banishing you would possibly talk plenty

-She likes to share boba tea with you

-She would blush slightly if you said your favorite flavor was brown suger

-She was protective of you but as long as you were in the kingdoms walls she could breathe easily

-She would be protective of you still but would be more serious about it

-She would stalk you in the snow wanting to protect you

-She would hate that snake more when you were banished fueling her hatred to him

-She would help Gingerbrave and crew get into the kingdom and follow the plot for the Cacao kingdom

(There's no pet)+(Thank you to the voters of Miss Earthbread)

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