Ancient x Wesker reader

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You're a creation of the witches though your under baked conditioned to collect the cookies that escaped now currently your facing an ancient with a sword he ran at you while you quickly threw him back with you under baked dough tentacle but your knocked away by a cookie with a shield and pinned by winged cookie next thing you know your currently kept in a Kingdom


-Your moved around to other kingdoms and with their respective ancient

(White lily)

-She is attracted to Pure Vanilla

-She is shy and nervous around you

-She would keep away from you at times

-You would make her curiosity peaked about the witches causing a certain event

(Pure vanilla)

-He is interested by you

-He is curious about you since he's never seen a cookie like you with half-baked dough

-He wouldn't do tests on you out of respect

-He can't kill anyone as he is mainly a healer


-She is impressed by you and the strength you got

-She would possibly show you her son Royalberry

-Has talked about her fight with Pitaya dragon cookie

-If you attempted to harm anyone she'll stop you

-She has tried to get you to try Hollyberry juice the best juice in the kingdom

(Dark Cacao)

-He doesn't trust you due to you attacking them

-Your not allowed to be in his kingdom

-Your not allowed near his son

-He would kill you if needed

(Golden cheese)

-You would see her kingdom before it dies

-Your would have met the cookies before they were frozen and digitalized

-She would give you a small golden bracelet

(Thank you huyduc8877 for the request)

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