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It was a normal day in Aloes lab you were talking to your friend Aloe cookie when Cyborg came and saw you and felt like she could remember you or could recognize you later Cyborg asked Aloe who you were and Aloe had to explain who you were that's when they remembered you a time when you were dating each other

-When Cyborg was trying to dominate the world they saw you and it kinda hit something in her and that's how you met

-You would be safe from Cyborgs take over till their defeated

-They would be in denial after first meeting you thinking she won't fall for a cookie

-They are protective of you and has a hair trigger able to pull her blaster

-They would pull threats first and ask later

-They could stalk you but they would make noise as they use their thrusters

-If you're in danger she would fly to you and start blasting then would fly you out

-IF they could they'll make you a cyborg like them so you'll never part

-They would kill anyone who's a rival except Aloe they might share you with them

-They would let you let with them

(BB battery)
A infinite powered battery that helps Cyborg fly and stay powered

-It helps Cyborg fly and kill

(Thank you to Rancel73 for the request)

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