Espresso x professor reader

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You were teaching a class of students a lesson in magic you caught a cookie walk past you and eye through the open door later when class was over a familiar cookie came Espresso who had a cup of espresso placing it on your table you began to talk

-You met him through your office with your office next to his or you worked with him and latte

-He still doesn't know Eclair even if your office was next to Eclairs

-He would help you with classes and teaching and he would be a substitute if your sick or something else

-You have worked with him plenty of times along with Latte so you three know each other

-He wouldn't tell Latte about his attraction towards you to her keeping it secret

-He would make you a perfect espresso for you

-Has made a magic candy for you and would give it as a present

-He would send letters when he was in the vanilla Kingdom if you didn't follow him

-He wouldn't kill

-He would keep you away from the press due to his popularity and a certain someone

(Thank you to huyduc8877 for the request here)

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