Gingerbrave crew x ghost child

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You are dead, dead for a while long since the dark flour war you got crushed now a ghost you wander the woods scared and alone till one night you came across some cookies one bare another in a hoodie lastly one a wizard the one bare noticed you scared you backed away but instead of danger he offered you a hand making you feel safe


-They treat you like a younger sibling

-The three do care for you

-When they head to beast yeast they'll leave you behind sorority but don't want you to be in danger


-He's the bravest of the three and cheerful

-Gingerbrave would help you be brave like him and would show you he can be fearful at times

-He cares for you and would tell your stories about the adventure he's on

-If you accidentally scare him he'll understand

-He would be an older brother protective if you're in danger from a few cake hounds


-She is the one who listens to you and is shy

-She can get easily scared of you since your a ghost

-You do play videogames with her and well she'll go easy as she is a video game champion

-She would show courage and would go to save you if you're in danger

-She would be protective of you if you're in danger


-He's the smart older brother

-He would try and possibly teach you some magic

-He has made icecream with his magic

-When you're in danger he'll go to save you with his magic

(Choco drop)
A pet made from 100 pure cocoa this is probably the most normal thing in the witches cupboards

-Would make you some Choco drops

(Pocket Strawberry)
A portable game device it even makes hearts for you if you get a high score so cute

-You can play on it

-It will make hearts for you

-It might glitch out if you hold it

(Book of Wizdom)
A flying book flipping through pages and such lets not let it find the witches calling spell

-It flips though pages using random spells

-Don't let the pet find the witches spell

(Thank you to huyduc8877 for the request)

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