Chapter 3: Questioning The Boys

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Maddie asks her sons, "So you guys were home around the time the bag of chicken was eaten? You three are lucky that I was at work for three hours today or I would've been running late." Tom walks in to see his wife home, "Hey honey." he approaches her for a kiss, "Hi Tom you back from the store?" she asks as he is carrying the bags, "Yeah I bought a lot of stuff for your sister's visit. Why are the boys sitting on the couch?" the three sons wave at their father, "Oh I'm questioning who ate the bag of chicken that was in the fridge there was a lot and now it's gone." Tom sighs, "Alright guys who ate it we won't get mad." Knuckles fights the urge to not throw Sonic under the bus, "Ozzy had to have done it. He's been acting weird earlier today he growled at me and was about to attack me until Tom stepped in." Maddie gives Sonic a hug, "I'm glad you're okay is that why Ozzy is outside? We'll let him inside for the next couple of hours to see if he tries to attack you again and if he does he'll go back outside. I can't believe he ate all the chicken it's not like him you guys are free to go." the three of them leave the living room to go to Tails room to leave his room door open. Maddie talks to her husband, "Tom I understand Ozzy attacking Sonic is out of line but I feel there is more to the story." Sonic overhears their conversation from upstairs, "Guys Mom doesn't buy the story I told her she thinks there's more to it." Tails is doing his research while listening to Sonic, "So it says werewolves have the same abilities as human but they turn every full moon and have heightened senses." Sonic begins to eat beef jerky he found in the pantry, "Mmm this is so good you guys gotta try this. I can't stop eating." Tails looks at the web page he is on, "It even say increased hunger and irritation as well as teeth and bone pain." Knuckles looks at Tails, "Makes sense why he's eating Tom's beef jerky he's lucky I didn't tell Maddie about him eating all the chicken." Sonic gets irritated, "You know I can hear you right?" Knuckles laughs, "Yeah I know I meant what I said just now and don't get me to fight you for it." he says glaring at him, "Okay I'm looking on here to see when the next full moon is and it says it's tomorrow night. We have plenty of time to possibly look up a cure it says he only has a five months to find a cure or..." Tails stays silent, "Or what Tails?" Knuckles comforts Tails, "It's alright let it out all at once." he starts to feel relieved by taking a deep breath, "Or you stay like this forever." Sonic gasps running back and forth in Tails room, "Maddie's sister and her family are coming tomorrow and they can't know that I'm like this! What should I do?" Tails advises, "You can't tell anyone for now we tell them when the time is right." Knuckles agrees, "Tails is right we need to not have them find out for the time being it's going to be our secret." Sonic disagrees, "Tom and Maddie don't want us keeping secrets like this it makes them sad." Tails counter argues, "We all want to tell them believe me we do but how will they react when they find out their son is a werewolf who eats a lot and can smell like a bloodhound?" Sonic reconsiders, "Yeah you're right besides if they found out about this they would flip. We need to develop a cure before it's too late." Knuckles suggests, "Your right but we need to eat something besides Sonic you don't need more than one lunch you've had plenty. First things first you need to control your appetite." Tails chimes in, "Sonic we are here to help you just try and not eat someone else's lunch like you did earlier." Sonic walks back and forth across the room for a few minutes, "Hopefully Tom and Maddie don't hear Sonic walking back and forth from downstairs we're going to get questioned." Knuckles stands in front of Sonic getting in his way, "Hedgehog we need to figure this out before it gets out of hand and how to do that is to stop walking back and forth." Tails sits in his computer chair stretching, "Alright I'm going to go downstairs and get some water." As he gets downstairs, he sees Ozzy, "Hey Ozzy sorry you had to go outside." Sonic hears Ozzy barking from upstairs, "They let Ozzy back inside. Maybe I can go downstairs and play with him." He runs down to see Tails and Ozzy hugging about to join, "Any room for one more?" Ozzy looks at Sonic and jumps on him, "What the heck Ozzy what's gotten into you?" Maddie asks in shock, "Ozzy Fetch!" Tom throws a dog bone squishy as Ozzy runs to go get it him and Maddie help Sonic up, "Hey are you okay?" Sonic let's out a sigh of relief, "I'm fine thank you." Maddie instructs him, "How about you go clean the bathroom and do a few more chores and you can be done for the day?" Sonic runs to the kitchen to get cleaning supplies and runs to the bathroom. Tails and Knuckles look at each other, "We need to find Eggman and have him change Sonic back no matter the cost." Tails says with confidence as Knuckles nods his head in agreement.

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