The Will of Fire

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Yuri ran as she tried to avoid her father and Iruka, who were right behind her. She quickly turned a corner of an alley.

"Hey! Over here, quick!" Yuri heard a familiar voice call out to her and was surprised to see that it was Naruto. Naruto!? He quickly grabbed her hand, leading her away, pulling her with him. "This way!" They slipped into a building and Yuri's father and Iruka ran past them. Then Naruto and Yuri were now climbing up some steps until they reached the top.

"I think we'll be okay here for now. It might be a while for them to find us." Naruto said, sitting down. Yuri's eyes widen in amazement, seeing the entire village on top of the mountain of the stone face carvings.


"Best spot in the Hidden Leaf Village, don't cha think?" Naruto grinned. "So, you're new here, I take it? You said your name was Yuri, right? Not just anybody would come up to me like that."

"You sure do talk a lot." Yuri replied, taking a seat down beside him.

"Yeah, I've been told to have a bigmouth." Naruto smiled. "I can't believe you talked back to the adults like that, especially your dad." Yuri saw Naruto paused at the word "dad", wondering why.

"What do you mean?" She asked him.

"I don't have a dad or a mom. I live by myself. But I'm fine with that, even if it bothers me, I never cry!" Naruto told her.

"You just reminded me of someone from back home." Yuri answered.

"Really? I reminded you of someone from your home. Where are you from? Were they a friend of yours?" Naruto asked her.

"I..." Yuri paused, thinking before answering Naruto. "I came from the Hidden Sand village. I had to leave because the sand and the air there, irritated with my lungs. But I guess you could say he was a friend. I've only talked to him once. I just hope that I could return back there one day when I'm better. I just wonder how he is doing. When I left, we promised each other that we would meet when we're older. But I'm also worried because he seemed a little on edge." Yuri explained to Naruto.

"I'm sure they'll be fine, if they got someone like you waiting for them." Naruto spoke. Yuri blushed and smiled, looking down then looked back at Naruto.

"Why were you sitting by yourself and not playing with the others?" She asked Naruto. Naruto sighed and Yuri saw his eyes changed, a little more intense.

"It's been like that ever since I was born. Everyone in this village hates me. I don't know why. But it's not fair! I didn't even do anything to them!" Naruto shouted, angrily. Yuri's eyes widen a little in shock. He was treated the same way just like Gaara, she wondered...What if Naruto had a-

"Well, you seem alright to me." Yuri told him. Naruto blinked staring at her before smiling. "But, the way the villagers treat you, like you told me. Naruto, do you have a-"

"So, this is where you were." A voice called out, making Yuri jump, along with Naruto, who was startled as well. Naruto and Yuri turned to see an old man wearing red and white robes and hat. The Third Hokage.

"Hey, it's you, old man." Naruto spoke.

"Mind if I join you kids?" He asked, walking over to them. He looked down at Yuri.

"You caused quite the commotion, little one. Your father and some of the academy teachers has been searching for you." He laughed a little. Yuri looked down, avoiding his gaze.

"I just want to go home. I don't belong here." She told him.

"There's a saying here. We're all connect in a way even if not by blood. You have the will of fire in you, don't let it burn out." The Third told her. Yuri blinked.

"The will of fire?" she questioned.

"You'll understand when you're older." He told her. "I think it's time that you get back, don't you think?" He smiled.

"Okay, I'm willing to give it another chance." Yuri spoke.

"I'll race you back!" Naruto shouted and got up, getting a head start.

"Wait! Naruto! That's cheating!" Yuri shouted, chasing after him. The Third Hokage smiled as he watched the two of them run off.

Yuri and Naruto were running in the streets and Yuri's father and Iruka jumped down in front of them. Yuri's father quickly ran over to her, grabbing Yuri by her shoulders. "Yuri! I've finally found you! Don't EVER run off like that! You had me worried sick!" Yuri smiled and nodded.

"I'm sorry, dad. I want to try again! Can we go back!?" She quickly told him. Her father blinked in confusion, wondering why she suddenly changed her mind so quickly. Yuri quickly grabbed her father's hand, pulling him. "Come on!"

"What? Yuri! Hey, wait!-"

Iruka gritted his teeth as soon as he saw Naruto, who tensed up.

"Why. aren't. you. back. at. the. school?" Iruka asked him, putting his hands on his hips, waiting for an answer. Naruto smiled and laughed sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head.

"Well, I wanted to help out. She could've gotten lost or hurt. We had a nice chat and-"

"That's great. You can help by going back and wait there, like I've told you and the others." Iruka told Naruto, pointing.

"Alright! Alright! Sheesh, I'm going!" Naruto complained.

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