End of the Preliminary Rounds

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"Medical team, come over here quickly!" Hayate shouted. Naruto hopped down. He glared at Gaara as he ran past him, heading over to Yuri and Lee. Several medics came running over, checking on Lee. They placed him on a stretcher and one of the medics looked at Gai.

"You're his Jonin instructor, right? Please, come over here." He asked and pulled Gai aside. "His breathing is fine, but his bones are shattered, and his muscles are torn throughout his body. We could do something about it, if that was the only problem. The damage to his left arm and leg are severe. It's difficult to say something like this, but...with this body. He will never be able to fight again."

Naruto and Yuri's eyes widen in shock. Yuri shook her head, refusing to believe what she had heard.

"N-No, that can't be. You're lying."

"If that's true, then what's bushy brow supposed to do!? He's always saying how he wanted to fight Sasuke and that Neji guy! Can't you do something about it!?" Naruto shouted, angrily. Kakashi stopped Naruto, holding on to him.

"That might have been what caused this tragedy. The decision to use the forbidden jutsu, to win at all cost. This is the result. To Sasuke, Neji, and to you, Naruto. To fulfill the silent promise, you made to each other. He puts his life at risk to reach the final stage, to fight all of you." Kakashi told him. "Don't forget that."

"Gai...we're in the way for the next match. Let's go upstairs." Kakashi asked Gai, who had his back facing him.


Yuri frowned. She knew that he was crying. She was still angry and in disbelief with what happened. Yuri glanced over at Gaara seeing him using his sand to teleport back up to the upper floor. Naruto walked over to her.

"Hey, maybe you should get checked out as well. Those cuts look kind of deep." Naruto told her concerned.

"I'm fine." She told him. Naruto held out the medicine that Hinata had gave him that he used a little from his last match. He scooped a little bit of the cream, rubbing it on Yuri's forehead and arms.

"That should stop the bleeding a little until you get patched up."

"Thanks, Naruto." Yuri smiled. The two, headed back up the stairs, meeting with Kakashi and Sakura.

The final match was Choji against Dosu. Dosu won when Choji used his human boulder technique to crash into the wall, getting himself stuck. Dosu used his sound waves to knock Choji, unconscious.

"The preliminary trails for the 3rd round have been completed!" Hayate spoke.

The competitors that were left were Sasuke, Shino, Yuri, Kankuro, Shikamaru, Temari, Naruto, Gaara, Neji, and Dosu.

"To all of you who won the rights to compete in the third round of the Chunin exam, although, one is missing, congratulations to you all!" Hayate said and turned to the Third. "Lord Hokage, if you would."

"Yes. Now, I'd like to explain the final test." The Third spoke.

Yuri smiled. "Freaking finally!"

"As I told you before, your matches will be seen by everybody. Each of you will fight to represent the strength of your countries. I'd like you to show off all your powers without holding back. Which is why the finals, will be held one month from now."

"We're not going to do it here, right now?" Naruto questioned.

"This break, as you say, will help you prepare."

"What does that mean?" Neji asked.

"In other words, in addition to informing all the various country lords and shinobi leaders, this is the time needed to arrange for the gathering of the event. And this is also preparation time for you examination students." The Third told them.

"I don't understand! What are you trying to say?!" Kankuro demanded.

"Basically, its preparation to get to know your enemy and yourself. It's a time period where you calculate your chances of winning. By analyzing, the data you accumulated during the trials. The battles up until now had you fight as you were in an acutal combat situation. However, the final trial will not be like this. There are those who showed all they can do to their rivals. There are those who competed and were badly injured against a strong opponent. To make everything fair, one month should be used by all of you to advance and improve yourselves. Of course, it'll be a fine rest to your body as well." The Third explained. "Before I dismiss you, there is one last thing that must be done for the finals."

"Then what the hell is it!? I've got to train now!" Naruto shouted.

"Now, don't be excited. There are pieces of paper inside the box that Anko is hiding so each one of you take a piece."

"I'll come around, so wait your turn." Anko said and she started pass the box around and everyone drew from it. Each paper had a number written on it.

Each of them told their numbers to Ibiki and he wrote them down.

"Now, I will reveal to you the final tournament-" The Third spoke before he was interrupted by Shikamaru.

"That's what we drew the numbers for!?" Shikamaru shouted.

Ibiki showed everyone on who they were going to fight.

"Naruto vs. Neji, Gaara vs. Sasuke, Kankuro vs. Shino, Temari vs. Shikamaru. Yuri vs. Dosu."

Yuri's eyes widen and she glanced over at the sound ninja, silently. She tensed up a little nervous. Great. She was going to have to go against this guy! She sighed. Well, she was looking for some pay back!

"You're free to start strategizing or resting as you like. With this I dismiss you all, but is there any final questions?" The Third asked.

"I have one." Shikamaru spoke, raising his hand. "Since this is a tournament, then there's only going to be one winner, right? Which means only one person can become a Chunin, right?"

"No, that's quite the opposite. There will be judges including myself, the Kazekage, and lords of various countries. That will make mission requests and other ninja leaders who will be watching the final test." The Third explained. "Throughout the tournament, these judges will evaluate your abilities. Those judged, will have the necessary qualities of a Chunin will be able to become one. Even if they lose their first match."

"That means that there's a possibility that everyone here could be a Chunin?" Temari asked.

"Yes." The Third nodded. "But there's also the possibility that no one will be a Chunin. To advance in the tournament means that you have more chances to appeal the judges. Well then, thanks for all your effort you exerted for these trials! You're all dismissed until a month for now!"

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