Dark Ambitions

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"Kin! Kill her!" Zaku shouted.

The female sound ninja struck at Sakura from behind. Sakura poofed, using a substitution jutsu. Then Sakura quickly reappeared and charged at Zaku, throwing kunais. He used his soundwave to bounce them back. Sakura quickly used another substitution jutsu and reappeared above him in the air. The sound ninja threw kunais at Sakura, hitting her again. But, she didn't vanish. Sakura pulled out her kunai, slamming into the sound ninja, knocking them both to the ground as she stabbed him in the wrist. Sakura quickly bit down on the sound ninja's other wrist as she tried to pin him down.

"Let go off me!" Zaku shouted as he tried to beat Sakura, repeatedly, to make you release him. Sakura tried to hold on as her face became bloody from the punches. Then Zaku finally managed to pull Sakura off of him and threw her on the ground.

"You brat!" he growled and aimed his hands at her, about to release a sound wave at Sakura. Just as he fired, Ino, Shikamaru and Choji quickly appeared in front of Sakura, protecting her from the blast.

"What are you three doing here?!" Yuri shouted.

"Ino?" Sakura's eyes widen when she saw her rival. Ino smirked.

"Sakura, I won't lose to you. I already told you that." "I won't let you be the only who looks good in front of Sasuke."

"Looks like more Leaf insects have scurried into the open." the bandaged sound ninja spoke.

"What were you two thinking?! These guys are too dangerous! Let go of my scarf, Shikamaru!"

"Yeah, right, idiot. This sucks but we have no choice. If Ino comes out then us men can't run away."

"I'm sorry to get you both involved but we're a team. We share the same destiny."

"We'll get through it somehow."

Zaku laughed. "You can leave if you want, fatty."

"What did he say?"

"I said you can leave, fatso."

"I'M NOT FAT!!! I'M JUST CHUBBY, DAMN IT!" Choji shouted, enraged. "Alright, guys, this is a war between Leaf and Sound!"

"Man, this is going to be a drag."

"That's our line. Man, we were supposed to kill Sasuke and take the other girl before the end of this exam."

"Sakura, Yuri, take care of those two."

"Alright, time for InoShikaCho!"

"Partial Expansion Jutsu!" Choji made his body bloat up big, like a ball. He tucked his head and arms and legs in and rolled, fast, at Zaku. Sound ninja used his soundwave, trying to bounce Choji back, but he bounced straight into the air. Choji was about to crash down on top of him. The other sound ninja quickly rushed towards the two, to stop Choji.

"Shadow Possession Jutsu!" Shikamaru extended his shadow and connected his shadow with the sound ninja's, stopping him in his tracks. Zaku barely managed to move out of the way when Choji came crashing down. Shikamaru made the other sound ninja pose in a goofy form with his hands on his hand.

"Dosu! What are you doing?!" Kin shouted.

"Ino, now!" Shikamaru shouted. Ino locked her forefingers and thumbs together into a circle and aimed them at the female sound ninja.

"Shikamaru, you better take care of my body!" She smiled. "Mind Transfer Jutsu!" Ino's body fell and Shikamaru caught her when Ino swapped her mind with the sound ninja's, entering into it. Then Ino pulled a kunai out, moving it closely towards the female's neck.

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