Secret Family Jutsu

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Yuri walked back to her house and walked inside only to be met with a pair of arms as they hugged her tightly.

"There's she is! There's my Chunin!" Kisuke smiled, hugging Yuri.

"I'm not a Chunin, yet, dad. There's still the final tournament." Yuri told him.

"I can't believe you've made it this far. We're so proud of you!" Her mom spoke.

"Yeah." Yuri spoke, softly, and her father noticed.

"For someone's who's almost a Chunin, you don't seem very happy about it. Something wrong?" He asked her.

" I weird?" Yuri asked. Her mother and Father's eyes widen a little in surprise.

"Yes." Kisuke smiled when he told her, and Yuri's eyes widen. "So am I and so is your mom. And so is anybody else even if they don't know it. Why do you ask?"

"Well, I don't like things that any girls would like." Yuri told him.

"Is it the girls at the academy?" He asked her. "I told you not to pay any mind to them."

"Yeah. Sakura said it." Yuri frowned. "I know that I'm not normal. I've always been able to see things and pick up quickly that the others couldn't."

"You're very observant. There's nothing wrong with that!" Kisuke assured her.

"There's something else though...back in the Second part of the exam. We were attacked. There was this guy who was crazy strong!" Yuri exclaimed.

"There's always going to be someone strong." Kisuke spoke.

"But this guy was out of the level of Genin." Yuri told him. "He targeted me and Sasuke, specifically. He wanted Sasuke's Sharingan, but he also said something about my eyes. Mom, I know that you don't have any powers but dad...Do we have something similar to the Hyuga's Byakugan or the Uchiha's Sharingan?"

Yuri saw her father sigh and saw her mother put her hand on his shoulder.

"I think it's time she knew, dear." Her mother spoke. Yuri's eyes widen.

"D-Do we?" She sputtered. Kisuke looked back to her.

"Yes. But you are still too young to activate yours yet. There will come a time when it will. From what I've known, my family clan goes back even centuries before Shinobi even came about, its name long forgotten. Like you've been showing signs of, our eyes can see things that other people can't normally see. It is called, Ma no koukei, or True Sight."

"Wow." Yuri said, stunned. "I can't believe it. This is amazing!"

"Yes, it can be amazing, but with such power, there can be dark." Kisuke told her.

"And what's that?" Yuri questioned, a little worried.

"Something that I hope you will never have to use it." He told her. Yuri stayed silent.

"But, let's focus on your training." Kisuke smirked. Yuri saw her mother's eyes widen a little.

"You're not really thinking-She's not ready for that level of jutsu yet!" she shouted.

"She's ready, Suzume." He spoke. "I was about her age when I learned it."

"What is it!?" Yuri asked, impatiently. Her father stood up and started to leave the room.

"We can't do it here. It's not safe to do it here in the village." He told her. "Follow me." Yuri quickly got up and followed after her father and he led her out of the village and into the forest, to a small river.

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