Ten Ten vs. Temari

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Sakura and Ino both began their battle and end up knocking each other out by default. Neither of them would be able to proceed to the next round. Asuma and Kakashi hopped down and picked up Sakura and Ino and brought them back up to the upper level. The two girls were sleeping next to each other.

"Are they okay?" Yuri asked in worry.

"They don't need a medic team. They should regain consciousness in about 30 minutes or so." Asuma spoke. "But that was surprising."

"Yeah." Kakashi nodded. "I can understand Sasuke, Yuri or Naruto, but even Sakura has grown this much. Many things have happened. But I'm glad that I entered them into this Chunin exam."

The score board chose the next pairs to fight. Ten Ten and Temari walked down the stairs and faced each other. Hayate started the match.

"The second member of Team Sand. This could be interesting." Neji spoke.

"Good luck, Ten Ten!" Lee cheered. Yuri frowned, wondering who she should cheer on. Temari was her friend but so was Ten Ten.

"Um, Go Temari!" Yuri shouted. Temari's eyes widen, and she looked up, staring straight at Yuri, silently. Lee and Naruto both looked at Yuri in shock.

"Yuri?" Naruto asked, wondering why she chose the other team.

"Yuri! You should be cheering Ten Ten on!" Lee told her.

"Go, Temari! Go, Ten Ten!" Yuri shouted as she cheered both of the girls on.

"That, idiot. She sure hasn't changed." Temari smirked.

"You know her?" Ten Ten asked Temari.

"It's not important. But I am going to wipe the floor with you." Temari spoke and Ten Ten eyes widen. So did Yuri and she gasp in shock. Sakura and Ino both woke up. They both walked over to see who the next match was. Within an instant, Temari had defeated Ten Ten. Ten Ten's plummeted straight down right on top of Temari's large fan, completely beaten up and knocked out cold.

"How boring."

"Wha-What is up with her?" Naruto gasped, still in shock. Yuri couldn't believe what she was seeing as well. The sweet, old friend she knew back at her old village had become completely ruthless and merciless and cold.

"Temari..." Yuri whispered under her breath in horror, completely stunned.

"Winner is Temari!" Hayate shouted. Temari smirked and she tossed Ten Ten like a rag doll off of her fan, sending her flying across the arena. Lee quickly jumped down and caught his teammate before Ten Ten was about to slam into the wall.

"Nice catch."

"How dare you! Is this how you treat someone who has given it her all in battle!?" Lee shouted. Temari slammed the end of her fan down to the ground, silencing him.

"Shut up, take that loser and get out of here." She told Lee, harshly. Lee lunged out to attack her.

"Stop, Lee!" Neji shouted. Temari smirked and blocked Lee's kick with her fan.

"Just as I thought. You're pathetic as you appear to be."

"What did you say?" Lee growled.

"Lee, stop!" Gai shouted and jumped down. Lee glanced back at him.

"Gai sensei..."

"Temari, get up here! You've been declared the winner. Stop wasting your time with the pathetic guardian guy." Gaara shouted at her. Temari flinched.

"Damn." and Temari headed back up the stairs. Lee glared up at Gaara and Gaara stared back at him, silently, emotionless.

"That's enough, Lee." Gai told him before he turned back to the Sand team. "Sand team...There's is something that I want to warn you, if you don't mind. This kid is strong. You better prepare yourself."

"We can't lose to those guys, Naruto, Yuri!" Sakura shouted.

"Sakura..." Naruto murmured in shock. "Sakura, are you alright?"

"You should be worrying about yourself." Sakura spoke. "If you lose here, then you won't be able to fight against Sasuke."

"Y-Yeah!" Naruto nodded.

The next match was Shikamaru vs. Kin, one of the sound ninjas. Shikamaru managed to win using his shadow possession jutsu, making the sound ninja slam her head back against the wall, knocking herself out cold.

"Winner is Shikamaru Nara!" Hayate shouted.

The scoreboard began picking out the names and finally stopped.

"Naruto Uzumaki vs. Kiba Inuzuka."

Naruto won his match against Kiba by tricking him into attacking Akamaru and knocking him out, by turning into Kiba's dog. Then Naruto using a new move he thought of after seeing Sasuke's last match. The Uzumaki Barrage, by using several shadow clones and kicked he kicked Kiba into the air, slamming him back down to the ground, knocking him out cold.

"Winner, Naruto Uzumaki!" Hayate shouted.

"Way to go, Naruto!" Yuri cheered. Lee cheered as well.

As Naruto returned back, Yuri high fived him. "That was great thinking."

Naruto laughed until the two noticed Hinata walking over to them, and she stood in front of Naruto, holding a small container. She blushed and struggled to say something, but no words came out.

"What is this?" Naruto asked her, wondering what it was.

"It's medicinal cream." Kurenai spoke.

"Why are you giving me this?" Naruto asked Hinata. Hinata blushed, looking down.

"Just take it, Naruto." Yuri told him. Naruto blinked but he nodded and took the medicine from Hinata.

"Thanks! You're nice, Hinata!" He smiled at her.

The scoreboard began to choose names again and to everyone's shock, it stopped on Hinata and Neji. Neji had beaten Hinata with an almost fatal blow to the chest. Hinata had gone into cardiac arrest and was carried out immediately to get treated.

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