7 Years Later

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Yuri had finished tying on her leaf headband to pull up her hair after she put on her red shirt and brown shorts and blue sandals. 13 years old and she was finally an official Leaf shinobi! She quickly left her house, to meet up with Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke.

As Yuri turned around the corner, she stopped when she saw a small gathering up ahead. She saw Naruto, Sakura, three kids Moegi and Udon and Konohamaru, who always followed Naruto around. She frowned when she saw Konohamaru being held in the air by a strange boy, dressed completely in black with something wrapped up and strapped to his back, wearing purple warpaint on his face. There was another ninja, standing beside him. She had sandy blond hair tied up in four pigtails, wearing a light purple of the shoulders garment that extended down to her knees, red sash around her waist, fishnets over her shoulders, on her right calf and left leg. Yuri's eyes widen, recognizing her. Temari! Yuri smirked and grinned ear to ear, and slowly walked over, keeping quiet, trying not to make her presence known. As she got closer, Yuri lightly poked Temari behind her back. Temari jumped startled.

"What the!?" She quickly turned around and so did the other boy, who was holding Konohamaru, startled as well. Temari blinked, completely shock and stared at Yuri, like she had seen a ghost.

"Yuri?" Temari sputtered.

"Hi." Yuri smiled. Temari smirked back at her.

"Well, well, I didn't think I would run into you so soon."

"Wait, Temari, you know her?" the boy dressed in black questioned. Yuri blinked at him, not recognizing him.

"Uh, who are you?"

"I should as you the same thing!" he shouted. Temari nudged him in the side.

"Kankuro, you idiot! You don't recognize her? You played with her a little." she hissed at him. Kankuro's eye widen, now realizing, who Yuri was.

"Wait a minute, you mean to tell me this is the sneezy girl back at the village?!" Yuri's eyes widen.

"Kankuro? Is that you!?" she said in disbelief, but also embarrassed hearing her old nickname. "I'll have you know that my immune system is better thank you. Man, I barely even recognize you in that get up. What's with the make up?"

"It's war paint!" Kankuro exclaimed, insulted. Naruto and Sakura were still watching still confused.

"Yuri, you know these people?" Sakura asked her. Yuri nodded.

"Yeah, they're old friends back my home village." She told them.

"Old friends, huh? Well, tell that punk to drop Konohamaru!" Naruto told her, narrowing his eyes at Kankuro, glaring at him.

"Yeah! Put me down!" Konohamaru shouted.

"Not until I teach you a lesson." Kankuro smirked.

"Come on, Kankuro, let him go. If he shows up, we're going to get into a lot of trouble." Temari tried to talk him out of it.

"Yeah, whatever he did, he's just a kid. He wasn't thinking." Yuri told him. Just as Kankuro was about to punch, Konohamaru, a rock shot out and hit Kankuro in his wrist, making him drop Konohamaru. Everyone looked up to see Sasuke in the tree, narrowing his eyes on the two ninjas, juggling some rocks in his hands. Temari blushed.

"Sasuke!" Sakura squealed, happily. Yuri rolled her eyes, annoyed.

"Honestly, what do you see in that guy? He's not that great." She murmured, but Sakura heard her.

"What did you just say!?" She screamed, angrily. Sasuke still kept his eyes on the two Sand ninjas.

"You ninjas aren't from around here. Why are you here?" He demanded.

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