The Chunin Exams Part 3

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"Whoa." Yuri stared in awe at how many shinobi were in the classroom, here to take the Chunin Exams. "There's so many here to take the exam." Then Yuri saw Temari, Kankuro and Gaara, standing a little way off to themselves.

"Where are you going?" Sakura asked her.

"I'm going to go check out the competition." Yuri told her and walked away. Sakura's eyes widen.

"She's nuts!"

Yuri waved as she started to approach the sand team. "Hey! So you guys knew it was genjutsu as well?" She saw Temari looked at her with shocked eyes before they dropped a little. Gaara ignored her, while Kankuro smirked.

"Only an amateur would be able to figure it out." He told Yuri.

"Are you trying to start something?" She frowned. Temari shot a nervous glance over at Gaara and she quickly got in between Yuri and Kankuro.

"Hey, come on, let's save the fighting for later." She told them. Then Yuri glanced over at Gaara.

"What do you think of the competition?" She asked him. Suddenly, a loud voice rang out in the classroom as Naruto yelled out from the top of his lungs.

"MY NAME IS NARUTO UZUMAKI! AND I'M GOING TO BEAT EVERYONE SINGLE ONE OF YOU!" Several shinobi's glared at Naruto and his team. Yuri twitched a little.

"Well, that's just great. He just put a big target on our backs!!!"

"You won't lose to us? Such big words, show off." Kiba laughed at Naruto. Sakura grabbed Naruto into a full nelson.

"What the hell are you doing?!" She shouted, furiously.

"I was just speaking the truth!" Naruto shouted. Suddenly, from the corner of her eyes, Yuri saw two sound ninjas quickly move, heading towards the group. Their target was a guy with short spiky white hair and glasses. She quickly ran over to try and warn him. One of the sound ninjas jumped into the air and threw kunais at the young man. Yuri quickly pulled out her own kunais and tossed them and deflected them. A few landed at the white-haired boy's feet, while one of the blades landed near Naruto and Sakura, startling them.

"What's going on!?" Naruto exclaimed.

Yuri's eyes widen when she saw the second sound ninja appear in front of her, throwing a punch at her. His fist connected with Yuri's cheek, knocking her back. Suddenly, Yuri made a dark chuckle and poofed into thin air, revealing a log in her place. The sound ninja's eyes widen in shock.

"A substitution jutsu?!" the white haired man spoke, shocked as well.

"Look up!" Yuri shouted, smirking. The sound ninja looked up to see Yuri at the last second before she slammed her foot the ninja's head, planting him to the floor. Yuri flipped, landing next to Naruto and the others and the sound ninja got up. He glared at Yuri. Temari and Kankuro, watched in shock, while Gaara kept his eyes on her emotionless, silently watching.

"Quiet down you worthless bastards!" A voice roared out loud and a loud boom was heard. A man with scars on his face, wearing a bandana forehead protector, gloves, a dark trench coat over a grey shirt and pants.

"They started it!" Yuri shouted.

"I don't care who started it! There will be no fighting until I say so! Or do you want to fail already?! The proctor shouted at her. Yuri stayed silent. The man smirked, facing the room full of shinobi.

"Thanks for waiting. My name is Ibiki Moreno, the examiner for the Chunin exams first test." Then he pointed at the sound ninjas. "As for you, stop doing as you please, or I will fail you all as well."

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