Gaara vs. Lee

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"Hey!" Naruto and Yuri looked down to see Kankuro walking up the stairs. He smiled at Naruto.

"You seem like a funny guy. I like you."

"Well, I don't like you!" Naruto shouted. Yuri snickered, laughing a little.

"This guy is dead." Kankuro gritted teeth, but still smiled, twitching a little.

"What do you want?" Yuri frowned, narrowing her eyes at Kankuro, suspiciously.

"Can't a guy come over for a truce?" Kankuro asked. "I promise, no tricks. I actually want to ask you about that Neji guy."

"I'M GONNA KICK HIS ASS!!!" Naruto growled.

"Um, no-nobody was asking that." Kankuro spoke.

"This time you will be chosen for sure, Lee!" Gai shouted.

"No." Lee answered. Gai blinked in confusion. "It's come this far, so I might as well go last."

Then Yuri saw Gaara suddenly teleported himself into the arena using his sand.

"Get down here. I'm ready." He spoke, coldly. Yuri blinked in confusion and looked up at the score board. Her eyes widen in shock.

"Gaara vs. Rock Lee."

Lee smiled and kicked his feet in the air, happily. "You fell for it! If you say you wanted to be last, it won't happen!"

"Lee, hold up a minute, will you?" Yuri stopped him. Lee blinked and stared at her.

"What is it?"

"Just be careful. Gaara...isn't a normal shinobi." She paused as she warned him.

"That gourd of his is awfully suspicious." Gai remarked. "But you can do it!"

"Yes!" Lee nodded and he hopped down, landing in front of Gaara and smiled. "To be able to face you this early, I couldn't be happier." Gaara scoffed.

"I don't know what kind of attack that bowl head has but but there's no way he can defeat Gaara." Kankuro smirked.

"Wrong." Naruto spoke.

"There's no need to rush." Lee spoke and he dropped the cork that Gaara had tossed at him. Yuri watched the two in worry, wondering who she should cheer on. Should she cheer Gaara or Lee? She didn't know!

"You may begin the match!" Hayate shouted.

"Leaf Hurricane!" Lee charged at Gaara and tried to deliver a spinning kick. But Gaara's sand bounced the attack off. All of Lee's punches and kicks weren't getting through his sand.

"Lee's fast movement are having no effect." Sakura murmured.

"His attacks aren't working at all." Naruto said.

Gaara released another stream of sand at Lee and Lee jumped back, dodging it. He back flipped and jumped into the air, landing on the large hand sign statue. Gaara and Lee continued to stare each other down.

"All physical attacks are useless against him. The sand moves against Gaara's will and becomes a shield and protects him." Kankuro explained. "There's hasn't been a single person who's been able to put a scratch on Gaara."

"But why is Lee using only Taijustu? Doesn't he have any ninjutsu or genjutsu?" Sakura questioned.

"I don't think he can." Yuri told her. Sakura's eyes widen in shock.


"She's right. Lee doesn't have any ninjutsu or genjutsu skills at all." Gai sensei spoke.

"Then how has he been able to make it this far!?" Sakura exclaimed.

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