Gaara's Bond

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Yuri stepped into the Hokage's office, seeing Tsunade behind her desk along with several proctors from the Chunin Exams, Ibiki, Anko and the other who hosted the third part in the arena. Yuri blinked in surprise when she saw Shikamaru was there as well, wondering what was going on.

"Good, you're finally here." Tsunade told her.

"You sent a messenger for me to come here. Can you tell me why exactly?" Yuri asked Tsunade, standing next to Shikamaru.

"As the Chunin Exams were put on definite hold after the attack on the Leaf. I have received the opinions of many that none should pass this time around. But that just leaves you two. I hear that the Third Hokage had the highest praise for your matches which means he meant to recommend you both for Chunin."

"But I didn't even get to fight in the third round." Yuri told Tsunade.

"Lucky you." Shikamaru commented.

"I know that. But these two showed me your results during the first and second trials." Tsunade pointed to Ibiki and Anko. "Even they recommended you. In fact, all those who observed the fight and the other proctors felt the same. So, in this case, my opinion doesn't even matter. From this day forth I hope you two will strive to achieve a level of excellence worthy of that headband. Congratulations as of this moment, you stand a Chunin!" She smiled.

Yuri's mouth dropped in a little in shock. She was a Chunin, along with Shikamaru.

"T-Thank you." She said still, stunned by the news. Shikamaru sighed.

"Great. More work."

"What are you talking about? This is the best day of our lives and that's all you can say!?" Yuri exclaimed able to contain her excitement. "Naruto's not going to believe this!"

"That reminds me, I have a special assignment for you and your team." Tsunade told her.

"What is it?" Yuri asked.

"Squad 7 will be partnered up with some shinobi from the Hidden Sand village to take out some bandits at the mountain summit." Tsunade explained to her. Yuri's eyes widen a little.

"The Sand Village?"

"Yes. In order to build our alliance and trust back we need to work together with them. I've already told Kakashi the mission briefing and his already went to get Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke. They are waiting for you at the gates." Tsunade told her. Yuri nodded and bowed.

"I won't let you down." She told her and Yuri left the office and quickly headed towards the gates. She saw Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke and Kakashi waiting for her about to head out. Naruto waved to her.

"Hey! What was the hold up? We were waiting for a while!" He shouted and noticed the green vest that she was wearing. "And what's with that vest?"

"I was called to the Tsunade's office and Shikamaru was there as well." Yuri smiled.

"Hmm? What did granny want?" Naruto questioned.

"Shikamaru and I have been promoted to Chunin!" Yuri happily told them. Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke's eyes widen in shock. Kakashi smiled underneath his mask.

"Congratulations!" He told her.

"Wait a minute! You knew!?" Sakura sputtered.

"N-No way!" Sasuke sputtered, still in shock by the news.

"That's great!" Naruto grinned.

"Thanks." Yuri smiled.

"By the way, why are we here? You wouldn't just drag us out just for that, did you Kakashi sensei?" Naruto asked him. Kakashi told Naruto and the others as they headed out, about the bandit mission and that they're teaming up with the Sand Village as well to take them down.

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