The Preliminary Rounds Begin

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Iruka led Naruto, Yuri, Sakura and Sasuke into a room, where the other remaining competitors were. Yuri's eyes widen when she saw that there were barely half remaining left. Among the 78, 22 have made it so far. All of the teams stood in a line, waiting. Yuri saw Kiba's team, with Hinata and Shino. Neji's team, with Lee and Ten Ten. Ino's team, with Shikamaru and Choji. Kabuto's team. She frowned when she saw three sound ninjas that had attacked them earlier, keeping her eyes on them. Strangely, there was another girl with them. Yuri wondered where she was during the fighting. Then her eyes fell towards Gaara's team with Temari and Kankuro. Well, at least they made it. She kept her eyes on Gaara, staring at him when she noticed something strange.

There wasn't a single scratch on him and neither did, Temari and Kankuro.

Yuri blinked in surprise. Everyone else was completely beaten and scratched up and could use a bath, but they remained completely unharmed. She saw Temari glanced over, her eyes meeting Yuri's. Yuri smiled and made a small wave. But Temari didn't wave back. Her eyes looked suddenly sad for some reason, like something was bothering her and she turned back, staring up front. Yuri frowned, wondering what was going on.

Then Yuri glanced upwards to the front and was also surprised to see the Third Hokage and other Jonins and Chunins, like Kakashi, Gai, Kurenai, Ibiki, along with the Sand sibling's sensei, Baki waiting for them as they stood in front of a large statue with performing a hand sign. Yuri's eyes widen a little more when she saw that her father, Kisuke, was among them. She saw that he could barely contain himself, beaming with pride as he wanted to pounce her with a hug. He gave her a thumbs up and a smile.

Yuri smiled back at him until she noticed a strange man standing behind her father. She assumed the man was a sensei to another group of sound ninjas as he had their village symbol on his forehead protector. Yuri frowned as she silently stared at him. She felt a cold shiver run down her back. There was something very off about him. His appearance was almost snake like, almost like Orochimaru's. She shook her head. That can't be a coincidence.

There was no way he would be here, would he?

Iruka walked over to join with the other Jonins and Chunins, and Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke and Yuri regrouped with the others, waiting, wondering what was going.

"First off, for the second test, congratulations on passing!" The Third Hokage shouted.

"I can't say that I'm getting a good feeling about this..." Yuri heard Sasuke murmured.

"Lord Hokage will now explain the third test. Listen carefully!" Anko shouted.

"For the coming third test, but before I explain that there is something that I'd like you to know. It concerns the true reason for this exam." The Third spoke.

"There's a reason?" Yuri questioned.

"Why do we have all the allied countries taking the exams together? "To promote friendship among the countries."To raise the level of shinobi." I don't want you to be confused about the true meaning. The exam is a replacement for war among the allied countries." The Third said as he continued. Almost everyone's eyes widen in surprise.

"What?" Ten Ten asked, still in shock.

"If you go back in time, the current allies were enemies who fought each over who would rule. In order prevent wasteful fighting. The stage that these countries set for battle...That is the origins of this chunin exam selection."

"Then why the hell do we have to do that crap?! Isn't this thing for deciding who's a chunin?!" Naruto shouted, angrily.

"It is a fact that this exam decides which shinobi have what it takes to be a chunin. But on the other hand, this exam has another side. Where each countries shinobi risks their own life to protect their land's prestige." The Third spoke.

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