Pushed to the Edge

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Sakura felt her eyes starting to get heavy after staying awake all night. Suddenly, Sakura heard a crack from a twig in the bushes not too far away. She gasped and quickly pulled out a kunai then slowly turned in the direction towards the sound. A small squirrel hopped out. Sakura sighed in relief. Then the squirrel started to run towards her. Sakura's eyes widen and she quickly tossed her weapon, scaring it off.

"That was a close one." Sakura sighed before she heard Yuri and saw her wake up. "You're awake!"

"How long was I out for?" Yuri asked.

"The entire night." Sakura told her. Yuri frowned, seeing how tired Sakura was.

"Were you up the entire night?" She asked in concern. "I can take over so you can get some rest."

"No, it's fine!" Sakura smiled.

"You really should listen to your teammate." Yuri and Sakura's eyes widen, and they saw the three sound ninjas that Orochimaru had sent after them. A girl, with very long dark hair tied with a ribbon at the end, pale green vest and snake patterned pants and skirt and scarf. The second one was a boy with spikey black hair and dark eyes, beige shirt two black stripes, three prints with a kanji that read death, snake pattern clothes as well. The third one had bandages all over his face, wearing a poncho, snake patterned scarf, and raincoat and a wrist guard on his right arm. Yuri recognized him immediately as he was the one who she had kicked in the face in the exam room.

"Wake Sasuke up. I want to fight him."

"Well, you have your little friend Orochimaru to thank for that. So, blame him." Yuri retorted.

"I also want to fight you as well. I want revenge for what you did to me back at the exam room." the bandaged sound ninja spoke as glared at her.

"You're not worth my time." Yuri replied.

"What is Orochimaru's purpose?! What is that weird mark that's on Sasuke's neck!? And now you want to fight him?!" Sakura shouted, demanding an answer. One of the sound ninjas smirked.

"After hearing that, I can't let you both live. I'll kill you both then I'll kill Sasuke." the spikey haired sound ninja said. The one with the bandages tried to stop him.

"Wait! That wasn't part of the plan!" the female sound ninja hissed.

Sakura's eyes widen and she gripped a kunai in her hand.

"Wait, Zaku." One of the sound ninjas stopped him. "You're not very observant. A recently overturned stone, different colored dirt. Grass doesn't grow here. A booby trap." He said. Sakura's eyes widen.

"How stupid. That kunai was to stop the squirrel from running into the trap."

"Since we have no interest in this girl, kill her." The three sound ninjas leaped towards the group to attack. Sakura smirked and Yuri saw Sakura reach from behind her and cut a small rope with her weapon. A giant log was released and started to fall fast above the three sound ninjas.

"A giant log?!" one of the exclaimed in shock. One of the sounds ninjas placed his hands on the log before it crushed them and blasted a hole through the log. The three landed in front of Sakura and Yuri, almost reaching them.

"People like you have no talent. A weakling like you shouldn't mess with us." The bandaged one chuckled, evilly.

"Leaf Hurricane!"

Yuri's eyes widen, recognizing who it was that had saved them. Lee quickly spinned, kicking the three sound ninjas, sending them flying back.


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