Yuri vs. Yukina and Kankuro vs. Misumi

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Yuri passed Naruto as she started to walk down the stairs.

"You got this, Yuri!"

"I know." She smiled and headed towards the center to meet her opponent. The girl from the sound ninjas team. Yuri eyed her, looking at her from top to bottom. Yukina looked timid and meek, glancing away from Yuri, looking down. She looked so scrawny and pathetic. This was actually sad.

"You may start whenever you're ready." Hayate spoke.

Neither of them made a move. Yuri frowned and she turned to look at Hayate.

"Um, is it too late to change opponents?" she asked him.

"The choice that was made is final."

Yuri glanced down at her handmade canteen tied to her side, remembering that there was still some water inside of it. "One more question. Is anything that was used in the last bout allowed, if it can help with a jutsu?" Yuri asked Hayate.

"If it's not illegal then it's fine."

Yuri turned back to Yukina. "Are you going to attack or am I going to have to?"

Yukina's eyes widen then she pulled out her kunais and threw them at Yuri. Yuri quickly moved out of the way dodging them. Then Yuri heard a whistle coming from Yukina. Yuri was knocked back by an invisible force and got cut up a little. Yuri got up, looking at Yukina. Yukina didn't answer her and Yuri charged at her. Yukina made another whistle noise again. Then Yuri saw something heading towards her. She quickly moved out of the way, seeing an invisible blade fly past and it slammed into the wall behind her.

Yuri quickly turned back, looking at Yukina seeing her running at her. Yuri quickly made a hand sign.

"Water Style! Water Prison Jutsu!" The water quickly flowed out of her canteen, growing bigger and rushed towards Yukina encasing her inside of it. Yukina squirmed inside as she tried to break out but couldn't. Yuri walked closer towards the water prison.

"Are you going to give up?"

Yukina stared at her and stopped struggling as if she was accepting that she was going to die. Yuri's eyes widen when she noticed. She quickly released the justu. The water splashed down and Yukina fell to the ground, coughing, as she struggled to catch her breath. From the beginning of the match, Yuri noticed that the girl had not said a single word. She bent down to Yukina's level.

"Can you not talk?" Yuri asked her. Yukina panted as she stared back at Yuri but made a slow short nod.

"You looked like you wanted to die; did you not want to take the exams? Why did you even take it if you didn't want to?" Yuri asked her. Yuri saw Yukina glanced over her and she turned to see Dosu, one of the sound ninjas that had attack them. She glared at him then turned back to Yukina.

"They made you do it."

Yukina slowly nodded. Yuri felt her blood began to boil, getting a little angry. This whole exam really was a sham from the very start! Mindless entertainment for sick people's amusement and for profit for the sake of their villages' pride. Was this really the shinobi way? This feels so wrong...

"Here's what we're going to do." Yuri told her and she began whispering to Yukina her plan. Yukina's eyes widen and she quickly nodded.

Yuri created two shadow clones of herself then made another hand sign. "Sexy Jutsu!"

A loud pop was heard, and the arena was covered in smoke. Yukina's mouth dropped in shock, her nose bleeding a little. So did everyone else in the room at what they saw. Yuri had made herself a little older and taller, her hair was longer and her body was even more curvier. The mist covered up hiding the upper part and lower part of her body as well. Yuri giggled flirtatiously and winked. Naruto laughed.

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