The 5th Hokage

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Yuri opened her eyes to see that Yukina was still asleep in her bed. Then Yuri noticed something sitting on the end of her bed. It was a small white box wrapped in a red ribbon. She wondered what it was and opened it and to her surprise it was a brand new red scarf.

"I wonder who gave it to me?" She murmured to herself and got up and got dressed and put on her new scarf. She woke Yukina up. Yukina groaned, sitting up.

"Hey, let's go and get some breakfast." Yuri told her. Yukina smiled and nodded, hungry as well. The two stepped out of the room, heading towards the kitchen. They saw Temari cooking some breakfast. Kankuro was sitting down waiting and noticed the two of them.

"About time you two got up."

Temari walked over with some eggs and toast and set the plates down on the table. It was a little burnt up on the edges.

"Dig in!" Temari smiled. Yuri and Yukina ate a couple bites while Kankuro had a look of disgust on his face as he tried keep the food down.

"It's not that bad." Yuri spoke.

"You never had Temari's cooking." Kankuro replied.

"What was that?" Temari glared at him. Kankuro stiffened.


Then Temari noticed the new scarf that Yuri was wearing.

"I don't recall you wearing that one."

"That's actually what I wanted to ask you guys about. When I woke up there was a present on my bed. Did anyone of you give it to me?" Yuri asked them.

"Not me." Kankuro replied.

"I didn't, but I have a feeling I know who it was." Temari said. If it wasn't Kankuro and it wasn't Temari then it must have been...

"Morning." Yuri eyes widened when she heard Gaara come in and sat down and quietly began to eat. Yuri smiled.

"I assume the present came from you, Gaara?" she asked him.

"Yes." Gaara quietly spoke.

"Thank you. But why? You didn't have to do that." Yuri asked him.

"You were upset when your old one got torn. So, I got you a new one." Gaara spoke.

"Thank you. That was very sweet." Yuri smiled, thanking him again. Gaara felt something strange in his chest. It felt warmer as heart started to beat faster and his cheeks felt hot as well. Yuri stood up.

"I'm going to go train for a bit."

"You're training on vacation?" Kankuro asked.

"I still got to get stronger. I can't fall behind Naruto otherwise I'll never hear the end of it from him. I'll be out in the desert if anyone needs me." Yuri spoke and she left.

A few hours had gone by, and Yuri still hadn't come back yet. Gaara, Temari, Kankuro and Yukina headed out to the desert to look for her. They spotted an oasis out the middle of the desert. As they approached, they saw Yuri standing on the water and manipulating the water with her movements.

"How's training coming along?" Kankuro called out, startling Yuri. The water whipped back, smacking right into her forehead, leaving a small red mark. She hissed feeling the sting and rubbed her forehead.

"Why are you here?" She asked them, while narrowing her eyes at Kankuro.

"You've been out here for a while. We decided to check up on you." Temari told her.

"What was that thing you did?" Kankuro asked her.

"What? Water bending?" Yuri showed them, pulling the water out. "It's a little jutsu my dad showed me. I use my chakra to move it, kind of like with your puppet strings. Although, I think Gaara already knows this ability that I can do."

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