The Chunin Exams Part 2

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"A fight, right now?" Sasuke asked him.

"Don't you think you should save your energy when it comes a time to fight?" Yuri spoke, trying to talk them both out of it.

"Yes, I am sure." Lee hopped down from the railing, landing front of the group, facing Sasuke. "My name is Rock Lee. When you want to know a person's name you should introduce yourself, right?"

Sasuke smirked. "Sasuke Uchiha."

"I want to fight you. I have to test my techniques against the offspring of the genius ninja clan. And also..." Lee glanced over a Yuri, who blinked at him confused. Then her eyes widen, and she made a disgusted face.

"I don't like Sasuke. He's alright, but no."

"What do you mean, he's just alright? He's amazing!" Sakura exclaimed.

"For you, maybe." Yuri murmured, sarcastically. Sakura glared at her.

"Challenging me, already knowing that I'm an Uchiha. You're a fool. You're going to find out what the name means, bushy brows." Sasuke told Lee. Lee smirked back, getting into a fighting stance.


"Wait!" Naruto shouted.

"Naruto?" Yuri questioned. Naruto frowned with a serious look in his eyes.

"I'll take care of bushy brows. It'll only take five minutes." He spoke.

"It is not you who I wish to fight. It's Uchiha." Lee spoke.

"Damn it! I'm sick hearing about Sasuke!" Naruto shouted and he charged at Lee. Lee still didn't move from his spot. Just as Naruto was about to punch him, Lee quickly stepped to the side. Naruto was knocked off balance, stumbling on his feet a little. Then Naruto tried to throw a kick at Lee, but Lee grabbed Naruto's leg.

"Leaf Hurricane!" Lee threw Naruto, sending him rolling hard on the floor, crashing into the wall.

"Naruto!" Yuri shouted. On the floor, Naruto stared at Lee in disbelief. Lee turned back towards Sasuke, getting into a fight stance again.

"I'll say it again. You guys can't defeat me. Because, right now, I'm the Leaf's strongest Genin."

"Sounds fun. I'll do it." Sasuke started to walk towards Lee. Sakura saw the clock on the wall.

"Sasuke, don't! We only have 30 minutes to get to the exam room!" She shouted. Sasuke ignored her.

"I'll be done in five minutes." And he charged at Lee. Lee braced himself, getting ready.

"Spinning Leaf Whirlwind!" He quickly dodged Sasuke's punch, jumping into the air, then landed a kick. Sasuke moved his arms to block Lee's kick. Then Lee delivered another kick, hitting Sasuke in the face, knocking him back.

"Sasuke!" Sakura shouted in worry. Sasuke got on to his feet again, wiping his lip. Lee smirked. Sakura's eyes widen and so did Yuri's when they saw Sasuke's eyes had changed. They had turned red with a ring, a circle and three swirls.

"Sharingan." Yuri murmured. Sasuke charged at Lee again, fast. But Lee was quicker and delivered another kick, kicking Sasuke straight into the air. Strange. Yuri noticed that Lee hadn't been using Ninjutsu or genjutsu this entire time, only Taijutsu.

"My techniques are neither ninjutsu nor genjutsu." He quickly jumped into the air, getting behind Sasuke.

"Shadow Leaf Dance!" He grabbed Sasuke. "They say that the Sharingan has the ability to reveal all types of Ninjutsu, Genjutsu and Taijutsu. It is true that by reading Ninjutsu and Genjutsu, chakra is needed to be raised and seals to be performed. You get an advantage through Sharingan but Taijutsu is a little different. Even if you can read my movements, your body does not have the speed to react to my Taijutsu. Basically, even if you can see it, if your body can't move, then it's useless." Lee started to undo his bandages from his arms, about to wrap Sasuke with them. But a pinwheel shot out, impaling the bandages to the floor, stopping him.

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