Clash! Jonin vs. Genin!

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"It's starting to get lively." Tsunade smiled.

There was a large gathering of people in the Hidden Leaf Village. Everyone stood, looking up at the Hokage mansion at Tsunade waiting for her big announcement.

"Yes. That's to be expected since Konoha's great even is about to begin." Suzune smiled. "It'd be strange if it didn't."

Two ninjas jumped down behind them, bowing.

"Fifth. Report from the South main entrance." the first one said.

"Four Sand shinobi have arrived." the second one said.

"They are our special guests for this event and participants as well. Be polite." Tsunade told them. The two ninjas bowed and left.

"Well then, everyone's here." Tsunade spoke.

"It's finally starting, Lady Tsunade." Suzune smiled. Tsunade chuckled.

"Let's party!" She shouted.

"It's here, here, here, here!" Naruto giggled, excitedly. "The day I get to be in the spotlight has finally come! I wish that it would start quickly!"

"Naruto, it's alright to be excited, but I hope you remember the tournament rules." Sakura reminded him. Naruto grinned.

"Of course! Basically, we just have to gather a whole bunch of these crystals, right?" He said, holding up a small blue crystal necklace.

"But we're not the only ones participating in this tournament." Yuri spoke and smirked. "You know what that means?"

Naruto's eyes widened and he smirked as well. Every rank of ninja is going to be participating. Genin, Chunin, and Jonin. Which means...Kakashi sensei. "I'm going to take him down!"

"Not before me!" Yuri smiled.

"Calm down, you two." Sakura sighed. "She's right. Everyone level of ninja is going to be here. Even Jonins like Kakashi sensei participating in this tournament."

"Kakashi sensei or Thickbrow sensei, I'll defeat them all!" Naruto grinned.

"Oh my, you sure talk big, Naruto." The three of them heard Kakashi said and turned to see him behind them.

"Kakashi sensei." Naruto sputtered, surprised.

"Do you really think a jonin would lose to a genin?" Kakashi asked.

"How about to a Chunin?" Yuri smirked.

"I'm serious. We won't know unless we try. I'm going to definitely defeat you Kakashi sensei!" Naruto shouted.

"Sure, sure, your enthusiasm is good, but you guys are still not good enough for me." Kakashi spoke.

"I'd be careful about what you say, Kakashi sensei." Yuri smiled.

"Talk while you can, Kakashi sensei. I'll show you my greatness!" Naruto shouted.

"Well, I'll be waiting without expecting much." Kakashi smiled and he vanished. Yuri and Naruto both blinked, staring where he once stood.

"He is going to get it!" Yuri growled herself.

"All right! Just watch!" Naruto shouted.

"Can you both stop?" Sakura sighed.

"Well then, let's get this started!" Tsunade announced about to explain the rules. "Listen! We will have you do a preliminary match to decide who participates in the final matches. I'm sure everyone is aware of the rules but this free for all fight for the crystals will involve genin, chunin, and jonin. Jonin and chunin class will carry the red crystals and the genin class will have the blue crystals. You will fight for them within the time limit."

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⏰ Last updated: May 29 ⏰

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