Temari vs. Shikamaru

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The medics came and took Neji away. Minutes have gone by, and Sasuke still hasn't showed up for his match yet.

"What the heck is this guy doing? Is he planning not to come?" Shikamaru questioned.

"Sasuke's not that type of guy." Yuri spoke. "He won't quit and run. He will come."

"Then where is he?" Shikamaru grumbled.

"Yuri's right though. Sasuke will definitely come!" Naruto shouted.

Temari, Kankuro and Gaara looked at each other, silently. Yuri noticed that Temari and Kankuro looked as if something was troubling them.

"Is something wrong?" She asked, walking over to the two. Temari and Kankuro's eyes widen. Temari made a small smiled.

"We were just wondering when that Sasuke guy is going to come. I bet he's not even going to show. He's too chicken to fight Gaara." She spoke. Yuri frowned.

"Just you wait." She told Temari. A lot of people were getting impatient, wondering what was going on.



"Ladies and gentlemen, the contestant for the next match hasn't arrived yet! Therefore, we will push back the match and begin the next one!" The exam proctor announced. Yuri's eyes widened. The next match? But, that's...

Yuri glanced over at Kankuro and looked over at Shino.

"That's just great." Shikamaru grumbled. "My match is one step closer."

"Now, the next match! Kankuro vs. Shino Aburame! Come down!" The examiner called out. Yuri saw Kankuro didn't move from his spot.

"Aren't you going to go down there?" She asked. "You're up-"

"I forfeit!" Kankuro shouted. Yuri's eyes widened.

"Huh!?" Naruto and Shikamaru exclaimed, shocked, as well. Temari scoffed and rolled her eyes and pulled out her fan. She used it to fly down to the arena, landing in the center.

"Looks like you're eager." the examiner spoke. "Shikamaru, get down here!"

"Alright, Shikamaru, go for it!" Naruto grinned and he pushed Shikamaru on the shoulder. Shikamaru fell over the railings and landed with a thud on the ground.

"Naruto!" Yuri scolded him.

"Oops." Naruto smiled, sheepishly.

Shikamaru still hadn't gotten up as he laid on his back.



"Get up, kid! How long are you going to lie there!?" Temari shouted. Shikamaru, still didn't move. "What, are you going to give up too?" Temari smirked.

"Shikamaru! Good luck!" Naruto shouted.

"If you won't come then I will!" Temari shouted and charged at Shikamaru.

"Hey! I didn't start the match yet!" The examiner shouted, but Temari ignored him.

"Man, this girl's really is riled up." Shikamaru grumbled and pulled out two kunais. Temari slammed her fan down right on top of Shikamaru's head. As the smoke cleared, Shikamaru come out unharmed and was standing on the two kunais that he threw into the wall.

"Ya know, I really don't want to fight. And don't care if I become a Chunin or not. But I'm not going to lose to a girl!" Shikamaru smirked, looking down at Temari. Yuri blinked and raised an eyebrow.

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