Sasuke vs. Yoroi

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The Hokage left the arena and so did several of the Chunins and Jonins, walking up the two upper floors on both side of the room. Most of the Leaf ninjas were on the right side of the room while the Sand and Sound Ninjas were on the left.

"Yuri! Remember what I always told you! Don't take shit from no one!" Yuri's father shouted as Iruka dragged him up the stairs. Yuri blushed, completely embarrassed, feeling a couple of eyes staring at her.

"Um, now, we will be starting the first match." Hayate said. "Will everyone but the two participants move up to the upper level?" Everyone began to walk up the stairs to the upper floor, while Sasuke and Yoroi stayed. Yuri smiled when she saw Kakashi walking over to join them up the stairs.

"Hey! Kakashi sensei!" Naruto smiled, greeted him.

"Sasuke. Don't use the Sharingan." Kakashi whispered to Sasuke as he walked past him. Sasuke's eye widen in surprise and turned to him.

"So you know?" He asked.

"If that curse mark on your neck becomes active, you might lose your life." Kakashi told Sasuke.

"Probably." Sasuke smirked.

"Well, if that happens, I'll jump in and stop that match, got it?" Kakashi spoke. Sasuke nodded.

"Now, you may begin." Hayate said, staring the match.

"Are you ready?" Yoroi asked.

"Yeah." Sasuke nodded.

Yoroi quickly threw some shurikens at Sasuke. Sasuke pulled out his kunai and blocked them off. But he yelped in pain, grabbing his neck. Sasuke fell to the floor and Yoroi dodged his shurikens that were flown back at him. Sasuke quickly rolled out of the way when Yoroi slammed his fist in to the floor. Saskue quickly grabbed Yoroi's wrist, toppling the shinobi over and slammed him to the floor. Then Saskue held onto Yoroi's arm and pinned him down with his leg over Yoroi's neck.

"Yes!!!" Naruto shouted.

But, Yoroi suddenly grabbed Sasuke by his shirt and Sasuke slowly began to lose his strength, barely able to keep Yoroi pinned down any longer. Yoroi punched Sasuke in the face, knocking him down.

"Sasuke!" Sakura cried out.

Yuri frowned when she saw that Sasuke was struggling to get back up. He was moving much slower now. Then Yoroi quickly lunged out and grabbed Sasuke by his face and slammed him back down on the ground, sitting on top of Sasuke. Sasuke screamed out in pain as he tried to push Yoroi off of him but was struggling.

"It looks like Sasuke's losing his strength somehow..." Yuri frowned, noticing, how slow Sasuke was moving. "I think that guy is draining Sasuke's chakra." Naruto and Sakura's eyes widen in shock.

"What?!" Naruto exclaimed. "What kind of person has that kind of power!?"

"So, you finally noticed." Yoroi smirked as he looked down at Sasuke as he screamed out in pain.

"Ugh. Damn...You!" Sasuke kicked Yoroi off of him, knocking the shinobi back a little. Yoroi laughed, getting back up again.

"Heh heh. You guinea pig. You still have some power left?"

"Sasuke Uchiha, is that it?" Gaara murmured under his breath.


"You don't have for sightseeing!" Yoroi charged at Sasuke trying to grab him again. Sasuke quickly moved and kicked Yoroi into the air.

"From here on, I'm going original." Sasuke quickly got behind Yoroi. "Take this!-" He was about to perform Lee's move when his curse mark started to activate and slowly creep across his face. But to everyone's surprise, Saskue had managed to fight against the mark and it retreated back. "Here, it comes." Sasuke threw a kick at Yoroi.

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