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Disclaimer:Not mine. Belongs to Disney. Not making any money at all.

Thisstory was was completed in 2007 and started in 2004, so eleven yearsago now. That makes me feel old. It was uploaded and updated and the complete story can still be found there undermy penname: Starlight8

I'min the process of uploading all my old fanfiction here, giving me achance to correct mistakes and change things that I am no longerhappy with.

Ihope you enjoy it and thank you for looking. 

A/N: Please read... August 15th 2003...

Ireally couldn't help myself. I don't think I've felt so compelled towrite a story as much as this one since I began "One time thing"over a year ago. I will be finishing "One time thing" I'mnot deserting it; I have just had such a hard time of it at themoment that I wanted to write something lighter.

There'ssomething about pirates which has fascinated me for a long time. Mymother made sure I grew up on all the old pirate movies. It'sactually from one of these films that my inspiration for this storycomes from. I think the film was the Black Swan, but it was so longago that I saw it last that I could be wrong. Anyway, the idea ofNell having a map tattooed onto her back comes from this film, so allcredit to which ever film it was and whoever owns said film. The restof this story apart from Disney's characters etc, is my owninvention.

Thisis AU on the historical side of things regarding the Catholic Churchin England.

Andone other important thing: Jack will not be talking in the commontongue. I have nothing against the way some people write him, but hejust didn't talk like that in the movies. If anything he was ratherpronounced in his speech, take "Spring me from this jail andI'll take you to the Black Pearl and your bonnie lass." forexample.

Iread an article in Empire magazine that he put the life into Jack. Itwas his idea how Jack would move and talk and also the gold on histeeth was his own idea. It wasn't written into the script at all.He's just a very skilled actor that can bring the character to life.

Hesaid in that interview that he based Jack on "Keith Richards"from the "Rolling Stones" when he was drunk. And if youlisten carefully to Jack he does indeed sound like a Londonersometimes; which would make sense as most of the pirates andbuccaneers were English.

It'sa J/OC eventually and there will be a little W/E later on. Yeah, Iknow it's been done a million times before. Jack falls for OriginalCharater but I had to add my ten cents worth... so here goes:

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