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A/N: Usual disclaimer. Sorry this is later than usual. This one was fun to write but I'm hummed and hawed so much over the last part that I nearly talked myself out of going this way... you'll see what I mean when you get there, at least I hope you will....

Many thanks to AniSparrow.

I hope you like this next chapter.....


"Well." Jack let out his breath on a huff. "Can't say I was expecting that."

No one spoke in response; they were too taken aback by the sight that greeted them at the pool. The four of them stood in a line, swords still in hand but pointed downwards. Dwent's mouth was partially open and Norrington's eyebrows were almost meeting his hairline.

In front of them, beside the edges of the pool, was a small hut, constructed with roughly cut tree branches and palm leaves. A shirt had been used to cover the hole that served as a door. There was no sign of anything else around the camp area - no fire or evidence of a fire, no supplies or clothes. There was no sign of a guard posted anywhere and no signs of anything that could warn them of impending danger.

Jack looked briefly at Norrington before steeping forwards, deliberately treading on a twig and snapping it. The crack was loud enough and foreign enough to be heard in the hut and they watched as the shirt twitched slightly, indicating someone was looking out.

Minutes later Benjamin came ambling out, pistol drawn, and sword ready. He eyed them suspiciously and that told Jack more than any words ever could.

"Mister Benjamin!" Jack stowed his pistol in his sash and lifted his hands, the sword still in his other hand making Dwent side-step sharply as the sword whizzed past his ear with only inches to spare.

"Ere, Capt'n! Careful!" Dwent squealed. Jack blinked round at him and inclined his head in apology before swaying forwards towards Benjamin, who had watched the whole thing carefully. He sighed heavily in relief and stowed his pistol in his sash.

"Sorry, Capt'n. Couldn't be sure, like... well, not until ye nearly took 'is 'ead off!" Benjamin grinned at Jack, a row of white teeth gleaming in his black face.

"I take it you've been having visitors of an unearthly nature too?" Jack slurred, stepping forwards to slap Benjamin on the back soundly. He was pleased to see at least one of them remained unharmed.

"Bugger it all, Capt'n!" Benjamin exploded. "I ain't seen anything like it!"

The sheet was thrust to one side and Will and Elizabeth came tumbling out; Elizabeth supporting most of Will's weight. His lean, gangly form was bordering on emaciated and his pallor was still chalky white, but the gleam of fever had left him.

Norrington sighed in relief now and stepped forwards towards them. "I'm glad to see you are well," his voice was low and rough with emotion.

"We've been just fine, thank you, James." Will grinned at him, wincing in pain as walking had jarred his badly injured shoulder.

"Nell?" Elizabeth looked at Jack expectantly and nodded in satisfaction when Jack merely winked at her.

"Good to see you, lass." Jack grinned at her, his grin spreading when he saw the others begin emerging from the hut. Timms was followed by Johns, Carpenter, and Davies.

"How on earth did you all fit in there?" gasped Bryant, slapping the red-coat Davies on the back when he came forwards saluting them.

"Never mind that, how on earth did you get that built  in time for nightfall... or did you not?" Jack looked at Elizabeth carefully, knowing that her face would be the one that would give away the most.

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