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Thanks to Ani for editing this.

Usual disclaimer – own nothing.

Chapter 39


Nell was leaning against the rails watching the dolphins that were keeping pace with the Pearl as she cut through the water with some speed. The wind was in the sails and, according to Jack who was now at the helm, they were making good time. The sun was high in the sky and very hot; she knew that she would soon have to take cover or invite heatstroke, but for now, just for a few moments, she wanted to feel the breeze on her face and the freedom of space before heading down into the cramped galley below deck and the endless chores that were daily life on the Pearl.

Timms and some of the crew were beginning work on mending the rowing boats and Nell could hear the happy laughter mingling with the sounds of the repairs they were making. She lifted a hand and rubbed at her eyes; she was tired again. It seemed to Nell that's all she ever was, was bone weary. Taking to Jack may have lifted the shadows from some of the dark corners in her mind, but it had not completely erased the uneasy feelings that now seemed to be second-nature to her; and going through everything that had happened had left her emotionally and physically fatigued. She needed to sleep, wanted to sleep, but she knew it would elude her.

She looked back over her shoulder and up to where Jack was standing beside the wheel, one hand holding the spokes as he stared out over the sea in front of them. She knew he'd stay there all night, or at least for as long as it took them to get to the Isla De Muerta; he was the only one who held the bearings and she knew that he'd tell no one else, and after his last experience, she didn't really blame him.

"Beautiful, isn't it?"

Nell turned in surprise when she heard Elizabeth's voice. 

"Elizabeth! How are you? Where is Will?"

"I'm fine and Will is..." She half-smiled as she came to stand beside Nell, one hand moving to the rails. "Will is recovering slowly. His muscles have been badly damaged and he has very little strength in his hand but well..." She sighed as she looked out over the water; the dolphins made her smile slightly but it was tinged with sadness.

"Jack said he may not be able to forge swords again." Nell could see the pain in Elizabeth when she shrugged in reply.

"Please, don't let Will know you are aware of this." Elizabeth lifted a hand and pushed some stray curls of hair behind her ear. "The doctor told him that time was a great healer and I believe that time indeed will mend some things, but I do not think he will ever achieve the same level of skill again and he knows it too; but he cannot abide pity."

"No, he's a proud man," observed Nell. "And he takes his vows to you very seriously, doesn't he? This must be troubling him – possible inability to provide for you in the future."

"What else has Jack told you?" Elizabeth's voice was tight as she responded to Nell.

"Jack didn't tell me," Nell replied gently. "He didn't have to; it stands to reason that a proud man would feel this way. You'll no doubt have some of the treasure so you won't be left with nothing – but I don't think that's the issue with Will, is it?"

Elizabeth looked at Nell closely, her brown eyes shadowed with worry and concern and a little suspicion. "He feels as if he's going to fail me – and now that..." she stopped and looked away abruptly.

"And now you're pregnant as well." Nell finished the statement for her.

"You know?" Elizabeth looked back at her in surprise. "How can you know? We've only just found out. Did the doctor tell you?"

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