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A/N: Usual disclaimer. I just wish I did, but I don't and never will.

Nell's heart started to beat triple time; it thundered in her chest so hard it was physically painful. But it wasn't the pain in her chest that was holding her attention, but the slim hand on her shoulder. She followed the length of his hand up over his wrist and into the brown fabric of the robe he wore. Nell's breath audibly hitched as she stared at the coarse fabric. She wanted to step forward, wanted to move away as quickly as she could, but her body wouldn't respond.

"What...?" Her voice was little more than a squeak. "What do you want?" A lump formed in her throat making swallowing impossible.

"You will know," came a hoarse whisper.

Nell's breathing stopped as his words sank in, but they also galvanised her into action. She wrenched forwards away from his hand and turned sharply on her heels. He was standing with the hood down, revealing his head and face. He advanced slowly towards her; and she tried to back away from him but her legs refused to obey her brain. She started to shake, opening her mouth to cry for Jack, for anyone to help her, but no sound came out. The monk stopped in front of her and lifted his hand again; Nell sank to her knees, her legs no longer able to keep her up. Fear and terror like none she'd ever experienced before filled her as she watched him approach her with his hand outstretched.

He placed his palm on her head and looked straight into her eyes. Nell felt the blood rush to her head, her stomach dropped away and she actually felt her eyes roll into her head as blackness overtook her as she keeled over backwards in a dead faint.


Jack stopped; a ripple of unease went down his spine. He turned expecting to see Nell behind him but the corridor was empty, frowning he started back the way he had come, his hand moving to the sword strapped at his waist. He felt a strange sensation as he reached the door but it soon fled when he saw Nell lying in an awkward position with her knees bent and her body laying backwards, arms outstretched.

"Nell?" He searched the room quickly but nothing was out of place. He skidded forwards and dropped to his knees beside her; he reached out and touched her forehead gently. "Nell?"

He saw her eyes flutter and then open wide as she saw him leaning over her. "Jack?" She blinked up at him; the fog surrounding her brain snapped away leaving her mind crystal clear.

"What're you doing down there, lass?" he asked her softly, his eyes narrowing as he watched her blink again and then her gaze slid away from him.

"I don't know..." She frowned, struggling to sit up. Jack gripped her shoulders and helped her into a sitting position.

"What happened, Nell?" His voice was firm with only the slightest hint of his usual slur present.

"I don't know," she replied and got up slowly. Her head spun slightly and she blinked as the wave of dizziness made her feel sick. Jack jumped to his feet and caught her arm to steady her.

"Can't say I've had quite this affect on a woman before," he slurred.

"You didn't," she replied. "Well, at least I don't think you did."

"Then what did?" he prompted and began to usher her from the room.

Nell bit her lip, her head was still swimming, but the reason wasn't lost on her. She knew exactly what had happened, could still feel the fear that rippled through her, but she also knew that she couldn't tell Jack.

"I've never fainted before," she said quietly. "It's a bit embarrassing; I'm really hungry and very tired still, Jack, can that make someone faint?"

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