Some bloody adventure this is...

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Nothing too graphic in this chapter but there is some female bashing by men, something that I totally abhor but fitted the characters of Beaumont and De Mornay.

I really hope you enjoy it anyway!


Jack closed his eyes and slumped back onto his heels, his head bowed.

"Well she's not exactly safe now is she?" came the hard, coldly angry voice of Bryant.

Jack took a deep breath and looked back over his shoulder at him.

"You keep your mouth shut or I'll shut it for you," Hock hissed, his own anger clearly showing as he strained against his bonds "And why the hell did he have to tie us so damn tightly for? If De Mornay hadn't shot him I bloody well would have!"

"I've got 'em!" Timms called out triumphantly and got to his feet as the rope fell from his wrists "'e only tied me loosely; being furthest from that rat." He crossed quickly to Jack and using a small dagger set about cutting the ropes.

The instant the ropes fell Jack was on his feet and checking his pistol.

Timms worked quickly and soon everyone was free, rubbing sore wrists and checking weapons.

"Deals off," Jack said abruptly. He looked sideways over his shoulder at where Norrington and Bryant were stood holding their pistols ready. Bryant looked as if Jack would be the first one he'd shoot.

"You don't get them anymore," Jack said quietly and stared at Bryant "They're mine."

"Then let's get going, Sparrow," Norrington replied sharply.

"One thing we need to be thinking upon." Jack looked at his men before looking at Norrington "If they imagine they'll get back here before we free ourselves than one of two things becomes inescapably obvious."

"It does?" Bryant raised his eyebrows "Perhaps you should clarify it for us even more."

Jack rolled his eyes and shrugged his shoulders.

"I would have thought it would be obvious to someone as clever as yourself." He cleared his throat "Either they want us to follow them; thinking that without a map we are most likely to meet our demise in various and no doubt nasty ways." He drew a deep breath "Or... we are close enough to the treasure for them to make good on his word of being back here shortly. Something I highly doubt; him being a pirate."

Bryant huffed out a breath and clasped his hands behind his back much like Norrington.

"So you propose we do...?" Norrington rose his eyebrow, obviously following Jack's words a lot more easily than Bryant who was frowning in consternation.

"We make haste and reach the treasure before they do. But in doing so I have to say that I am going to need your help gentlemen. Both of you." He looked meaningfully at Bryant.

"And just how do you propose we reach the treasure without a map?" sneered Bryant "Notwithstanding the fact that you would willingly risk Miss Nell and Mistress Turner in your haste to get to the treasure before you rescue them."

"Well to be sure, you've forgotten one very important fact mate."

"And what's that?" Bryant snapped, anxious to get after De Mornay and Nell.

"Don't ask him....." Norrington rolled his eyes and sighed when Jack shrugged.

Arms spread wide, pistol in one hand and drawn sword in the other he cocked his head to one side and looked at Bryant with no humour at all on his face or in his eyes.

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