Becoming a Sparrow

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The Reclamation  and the Black Pearl  were still side by side; orders had been given for double watches on both ships and the remaining crew had gone below to sleep.

Beaumont and De Mornay's bodies had been pitched over board with no ceremony and no official words. Norrington and Bryant had returned to the Reclamation  and lights out had been ordered; there was an air of peace over both ships that belied their positions in day to day life.

Jack shut the cabin door behind him and pulled the hat from his head. 

"It'll be nice to sleep in my own bunk," he murmured and threw the hat onto the cluttered table.

"I'll just be glad to sleep," Nell replied quietly and looked away from him uneasily.

"Nell, you're not shy with me, are you?" he asked in delight, a wicked grin on his face.

Nell blushed fiercely and turned away from him to cross to the cushioned seats.

"After all that's gone between us," he murmured and slid out of his coat and effects; he let them drop on one of the chairs by the table and moved towards her with slow, swaying steps.

"We've... well, it's a bit... I'm tired, Jack." As if on cue a huge yawn over took her and she covered her face with her hand.

"Which is why all I have planned for you, my little darlin', is a good night's sleep; all wrapped up in my arms of course, but nothing more."  He winked at her. "Although that's not to say that the moment you're refreshed I'll not be ravishing you until you're once more exhausted." Jack spoke with such exaggerated hand movements as he swaggered his way towards her that Nell couldn't help but giggle slightly. "Are you laughing at me, lass?" He raised a black eyebrow at her in mock offence.

"Yes," she replied with a giggle and tried to scoot past him as he drew closer but Jack was a lot faster than she was; he hoisted her up and lifting her clean off the floor he crossed to the curtained-off bunk and threw her down on it. Nell laughed and realised that she was no longer uneasy with him; no longer shy but she was still very, very tired.

"Did the good Commodore attend to your arm?" asked Jack, as he flopped down next to her, leaning back on his elbows, as he looked sideways at her.

"Yes, he did." Nell lifted her arm and showed him where the cut was cleaned and bandaged. "I've never seen him in full uniform, it was odd seeing him with that wig on."

"Tis just the Navy's way of making idiots out of them." He stood up from the bed and with a speed that made Nell blink he removed all his clothes and was back on the bed grinning at her. "Keeps them in line; because no one else will take them seriously with that thing stuck on their heads!"

"It's a sign of rank," she corrected and gasped when his fingers went to the ties on her shirt, making short work of them, pulling her shirt apart, groaning as he looked down at her.

"I'm thinking, Nell, that you ought to be doing the rest yourself; there's only so much a man can stand."

A funny feeling speared through Nell; it was a mix of instant arousal and a sense of power over him. She could see quite plainly the effect she was having on him and it made her light-headed with delight.

"Maybe I'm not that tired," she whispered and laid her hand on his cheek, her fingers curling into the hair by his ear.

"Aye, Nell," he sighed and leaned into her touch, his eyes closing. "You're more than tired and while I'd love nothing better than to touch you, it'd not be fair on you. You've been through more than most people see in a year, let alone a few weeks."

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