The Ardent

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Okay Usual Disclaimer and a few warnings ahead of time. There be attempted rape ahead, but nothing graphic and stomach turning. And a bit of gore... but again nothing graphic.

Nell woke to hear a shrill voice drilling into her brain. She opened her eyes and took a moment to remember that she had fallen asleep by the campfire. She blinked as she registered the high shrill voice of Lady Clarence. Sitting up slowly she looked around to see her stood to one side of the camp-fire facing off with Jack and two people she didn't recognise. She realised that they were the people from the Ardent last night and one of them was indeed a lady, and a very beautiful one at that. She had brown hair which was caught up in a pile of curls on her head, a few escaped to hang prettily around her face. Her clothes told Nell that she was a gentle lady and probably of the same social standing as Lady Clarence. She briefly wondered how someone like Jack knew someone like her, and then for one numbing minute she wondered if this was Scarlet. Something flipped inside of her chest and she dragged her gaze to the man stood beside the woman. He was taller than Jack and broader, where Jack was liquid boned and slim, this man was muscular and solid. His face was gentle and exceptionally good looking. Long brown hair was tied back neatly with a black ribbon and his clothes told her he was of good social standing as well, or at least not without the money to buy clothes of such a fine cut.

"Well I demand to be returned to Port Royal forth-with!" Lady Clarence high pitched voice cut into Nell's thoughts and wincing she stood up.

Jack saw her move out of the corner of his eye and he turned to swagger across to her completely ignoring Lady Clarence.

"Morning to you, luv,." he said happily and half bowed to her.

Nell scratched her head and frowned at him, he was usually in a good mood but this morning he seemed even happier. With a sinking feeling Nell realised that he had probably told them all about her.

"Come this way Nell and meet my very good 'friends' the Turners." His emphasis on the word 'friends' was not lost of her and she had the grace to colour up slightly.

She followed him back to the group and eyed them warily, ignoring Lady Clarence completely.

"This here is Elizabeth Turner and that's her husband, Will Turner," he said pointing at the two young people who were stood with Lady Clarence still.

Nell wasn't sure what to do so she just nodded at them, not smiling and feeling decidedly uneasy.

"This here is Nell, or Helen Montilice as she was christened," he slurred and then frowned at her before shrugging, "And we all know her Ladyship there, unfortunately."

"Jack!" Elizabeth frowned at him before stepping forward extending her smooth slender hand to Nell. Her smile was friendly and appeared genuine.

"It's nice to meet you, Nell," she said as Nell took her hand and shook it her natural good manners came back to her and she returned the smile.

She turned to Will and was struck immediately by how handsome he was up close. She was gaping she knew she was, especially when she blushed and Jack rolled his eyes nudging her sharply.

"He's taken," he said pointedly and Nell's blush turned into a full wash of colour. She turned on him and glared at him.

"I'm aware of that thank you very much. I was merely taken with how two such obviously well bred people would know someone like you." She spoke without thinking in her annoyance and embarrassment.

"For once I agree with you," Lady Clarence said quietly.

Jack roared with laughter and looked back at Elizabeth and Will.

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